Saturday, November 15, 2014

Small Victories Saves Truck Stop Baby

“If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Romans 8:31

"God call us to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable". With that being said, it appears that the "truth is hate to those who hate the truth,".. they only want positive is one for the books : Today in the bitter cold, we stood as the sun was rising outside the abortion mill in Granite City, Illinois. Cars mostly from MO., a few IL., one North Carolina. Some were from the day before.

We spoke to a couple from Illinois staring at our graphic sign .  She started crying as we gently offered her another picture of her baby. We pointed to the ultrasound van and our precious babies pictured. She listened when we said, “Women don't need abortion, they need Jesus”,. Second later they ran up to the abortion mill door and went inside. A few minutes later, all three came back out.  The male cursed, "Jesus sucks"! at us. The woman looked up into my face and tears were streaming down her face said, "Thank you, I'm not doing it" . He was angry and pulled off the lot passing us. One precious baby saved.

As we pulled into a truck stop / gas station on our way home, a woman came from her car knocked on my window and proceeded to tell me a testimony. She said, “I just wanted to thank you. I have a testimony. I see you all here every week getting gas, I raised 4 kids”, she named them and their ages, “I taught them right and even bought protection for them if needed, but my 15 yr old came home couple months ago, she was 5 wks preg. I was tore up,..but I remembered your van, and I kept thinking about what it said”,  "Rescuing babies, changing hearts, saving lives, one at a time," and she started tearing up, “I just wanted to tell you "WE NEED MORE SMALL VICTORIES, and we kept the baby" . I just wanted to tell you that ".

I got out of the ultrasound van and embraced this messenger that God sent today to give us a shot of encouragement and another sign of confirmation.. You see, sometimes friends, we may not be comfortable with hearing or seeing the truth, but the truth is always necessary. The “truth” sets us free.  Sometimes the "truth" is more important than money or friends, and of course, "real friends", can handle the truth. It's always been that way.
Thank you friends, for your love and support. Be at peace. Go out into the world and make a difference. <*)))><  
Be encouraged ~Angela

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


                                                                                                                                June 16, 2014

We were recently contacted by a young woman that was drugged and forced into a late term abortion against her will.  Ironically, the abortion mill staff and abortion industry as a whole, force feeds society that every pregnant woman has a “choice” in the matter of her so called “health care”. This “mirage” of choice is responsible for over 400,000 deaths at Hope Clinic in Granite City, Illinois alone. Over 57 million babies deaths across our nation. Hope Clinic is also responsible for the pain and suffering and metal anguish of many women including those who, like this woman almost lost her life, having suffered severe surgical complications through medical malpractice and incompetency at the hands of those entrusted to give standard medical care.                                               

 Remember, another infamous lie from the abortion industry is that, “Having an abortion is safer than childbirth”. My quandary is, do you think former abortionist, now convicted felon and murderer Kermit Gosnell is an anomaly? Hope Clinic, the Midwest’ largest late abortion mill operates its own lil’ house of horrors every week as the abortion mill staff, collaborators, and the churches just sing a lil louder to muffle the  screams of those being butchered and the cries of those being murdered. Pray for this scarred mother and for healing but also pray for our desensitized conscious’s to be pricked and we grow some guts to fight for justice and against the atrocities and the inhumane treatment of babies..and their mothers to keep speaking out on the truth of abortion.~Angela 
      (editors note: the date and full name was omitted for privacy )
“I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for exposing the Hope Clinic . In what seemed like a make-believe horror film, my first child was murdered at this place. I am still trying to heal from this tragedy. I was drugged by my step-mother and taken to Hope Clinic at 6 months pregnant and age 15. I had to be rushed to a nearby hospital because I almost bled to death from a torn cervix. My baby was brutally torn from my womb while I fought with every ounce of strength that I had. I was held down, punched in the thighs repeatedly, and injected repeatedly with something, all while begging them not to kill my baby. Please don't stop telling the world what abortion does. God bless”.  P.E.
Related Articles:

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Do the Amish Kill Their Babies?

Written by: Angela Michael
May 31, 2014

Well, disheartedly, YES they do. As we have documented and reported through our years of photos, here is yet another misguided Amish/Mennonite couple being brought by an older outsider woman from Lee County, Iowa to kill their unborn baby, and dump its remains at Granite City’s late term abortion mill, Hope Clinic for Women Ltd.  Most Iowa abortion clinics only kill up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. You can only imagine the shame an unmarried pregnant Amish woman would bring to the bishop’s attention in her community. If found out, the couple would be shunned and her/ his family also. We have said this before, just because people dress a religious life, does not make them living a righteous life. Churches nowadays, are nothing more than social clubs or financial institutes. They do not teach or practice the biblical teachings of Jesus Christ.
          Disproportionately, we witness more church people killing their babies at Hope Clinic and dumping them in Granite City, Illinois. Pastors and priests alike are more afraid of the lack of nickels and noses in the pews each Sunday, rather than preach on sin, consequences, and God’s judgment as not to offend the tithers. Our sheppard's are more fearful of man than God. They turn a blind eye to sin and what is happening around us, and throughout the church.  The older outsider that brought the Iowa Amish couple, just sat with her feet hanging our her minivan behind the abortion mill for over 3.5 hours as the couple remained inside the slaughterhouse…Oh how God’s heart must be breaking with every child murdered and left behind. When you view such television programs as listed you realize we are all sinners. Some just enjoy it more and cover it up better. But in time it all comes out. What is hidden in the darkness will come to light. Now, if only the Church would stop killing their babies, maybe the pagans will follow suite.  

Read: "When The Church Stops Killing Their Babies, Maybe the Pagans Will Too!” at       ( driver  )

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Saving lives...

May 22, 2014

     Saving lives outside the abortion mill in Granite City this past Tuesday. One abortion-bound mother went in 3Xs to kill her baby. Then, she drove off but came back to talk with me. Marissa felt she had every reason to kill her 10 wk baby: no man, no help, no support, and she already has a toddler. 

However, I got in her car (which wasn't the smartest thing), and she said, "I heard those things you said to me. It's all true. Would you really help me?" she asked. I held her hands and we prayed. "We need Jesus," I told her. "Your life has got to change. Marissa, you have to live doing his will. Our ministry can help with the superficial things, but God needs to be the Lord of your life from now on." 

     Please keep Marissa in your prayers. She is struggling, but there was something about her that God is going to use. She wants to do the right thing and fight the stigma of being a single parent. We hugged and and gave her a little gas money, all we had on us, and went on to help another abortion-bound mother who came in the ultrasound van.      

She saw her baby and decided to keep her child. Thank You, Lord! Four precious babies were saved throughout the afternoon/evening. Standing in the trenches ~Angela 

Another baby saved!

May 20, 2014

     Another baby saved!
This is Richard; we saved him in our ultrasound van 5 yrs ago. This past Saturday, we helped him with some clothing. 

     TODAY as Daniel was putting gas in the ultrasound van, as this afternoon are midnight abortions in Granite City, (our son Isaac calls our van the "Baby Truck;" he just got picked up from Pre-3 school) a man came over to Daniel pumping gas and holding Isaac and told him, "I want to tell you and your wife thank you. I love my grandchildren. The other day, my daughter told me that she almost aborted my grandson, but that there were people out there (at the abortion mill) with a van and it changed her mind." The man then started tearing up. "It's murder isn't it, Dan?" he asked. "Yes," Daniel replied. He thanked Daniel again for being there 13 years never know when you can save a life, but you have to be there. :)  Thank You, Lord! 

Saving babies in the cold rain....

May 14, 2014

Saving babies in the cold rain, and being blessed with a drive by "thank you" (white suv) from a young father who brought his wife to kill their 21 wk baby, 3 months ago, but listened to us and he talked her out of late term abortion."It's a girl," he told me, and we rejoiced and prayed as the father is undergoing chemo therapy. However, when he saw the ultrasound van, he wanted to let me know that we made a difference that day and they saved their baby who is now 34 weeks. 

Other pics (girl in grey, girl in blue, girl in grey hoodie) are abortion-bound clients who changed their minds on their scheduled abortion and came inside ultrasound van and let us love on them.

We celebrated with Jesus in the cold rain with 5 precious babies being saved throughout the afternoon/evening on Tuesday. We dreaded the cold, dreary day: but look what God did! We had a harvest  Thank you Lord.
 (6 photos)

Friday, April 4, 2014


  Dateline Friday; April 4, 2014 in the year of our Lord

    In cold, blustery conditions one prayer warrior showed up outside the gates of Hell in the City of Slaughter.  Daniel begged and pleaded mercy for those waiting in line to kill their innocent babies as the winds whipped around him. Most were already set on murdering their babies. Then the Lord came along side Daniel and things got interesting. A few minutes after 16 abortion bound clients entered the slaughterhouse, a couple from Missouri came out, they took a Small Victories brochure and told Daniel they were keeping their baby and drove off the lot. Praise God!

    Then "Lydia" and her friend came out and walked over to the gentle proclaimer and confirmed they were keeping their 9 week old baby and took a brochure from Daniel. Here comes the best part,.. a couple from Memphis,Tennessee came back out. Daniel began offering them on the spot free help as they got to their car parked by the front sidewalk. "I bet your hungry aren't  you?" Daniel asked the  female passenger. "yes" she replied.  He then asked the male driver, "Can you use a little gas money"?  "Why sure', the driver replied.  Daniel then offered to take them where they could get some food and gas. They got into their car and followed Daniel to a local eatery and gas station. They ordered their food and Daniel  helped the male pump some gas into his car.      

   They sat and talked briefly, "Jackie and Michael" from Memphis drove to Granite City to kill their baby. But thought differently after hearing one proclaimer's loving words of encouragement and free help. Sitting there in the busy restaurant enjoying their tacos and cheeseburger Jackie,commented  "they didn't think there were kind people out there until we met you all",.. Michael joined in, "and you feed us and helped us for free, that's something else." Jackie expressed her gratitude and confirmed she was "10 weeks pregnant and feeling overwhelmed, but after meeting people like you willing to help us, we're keeping our baby". After finishing their meal, Daniel walked them to their car and the couple thanked him again and promised to stay in touch and let us know if they needed further assistance. Praise God!

   Take that "Fish-fry Friday.. HA!!   It's amazing just what one person can do outside this slaughterhouse if they have a willing heart  . God always shows up. Reminds me several years ago, how God used a baloney sandwich to save a New York, 21 week old baby's life outside the slaughterhouse in Granite City. read "Miracle on 21st Street" at articles.
  Proverbs 28:27 " He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses"..


Thursday, March 27, 2014


Cleveland, Ohio 22 yr. old lays dead inside Preterm abortion mill
Forward by Angela Michael
March 26, 2014
Another Black woman dies at the hands of those who profess to protect women and ensure their rights to, so called, safe “healthcare,” otherwise known as ABORTION. Not surprisingly, I missed the coverage on the evening news because, as a matter of fact, there is a blackout when it comes to women dying in the back room of an abortion mill. I ask you, where is the outcry?  Where are the investigators?  Where is the NAACP?  Where are our legislators?  Where is Al Sharpton?  Jesse Jackson?  Oprah Winfrey?  Wendy Williams? Barack Obama? Michelle Obama? Where is BET TV? Look at the stats of black women's deaths by legal abortion; it's stunning! Yet the silence coming from the church, the community, the media, is deafening.  For 28 minutes this 22-year-old young woman lay dead on a table of the slaughterhouse, a human slaughterhouse, in Cleveland Ohio.  
Listen, “back alley abortions” have not ended, they just cost more. And Pro aborts call this healthcare?
How many more women have to die by legal abortion in order to get the attention of this nation and society as a whole?  Are women not worthy of our protection to at least have safe standard practices enforced inside these “meat markets”?  Everyone in the medical world knows that “abortionist’s” are considered “dirty doc’s," “bottom feeders," that can’t run a legitimate practice; often incompetent and motivated by greed.   As a result there are hundreds of documented women who have died by legal abortion. Unfortunately, these are only the reported deaths; there are far too many that go unreported or classified as a “maternal death” on the legal death certificate. (                                                   #Tonya Reeves vs Trayvon Martin
ABORTION: “Safe & Legal: That’s a Lie. Women shouldn't have to DIE."~A.M.
 Please read on and view video

Woman dies after abortion: 911 records show Cleveland woman was ‘not breathing at all’

  CLEVELAND, OH, March 26, 2014 ( - Operation Rescue has obtained a 911 recording and Computer Aided Dispatch transcript that indicates a patient of Preterm, a Cleveland, Ohio, abortion clinic, has died.
Records, which were obtained through a public records request, show that at 10:59 a.m. on Friday, March 21, 2014, an employee of Preterm dialed 911 and reported to a dispatcher there was a 22-year-old female patient at the clinic who was not breathing at all.
The caller also indicated that the patient was unconscious and receiving CPR at the time of the call, but efforts to restart respiration had been unsuccessful.

“The lack of a sense of urgency really struck me as I was listening to the 911 recording,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation

Rescue. “A woman was dying or dead, and there just seemed to be no real hurry to respond to the dispatcher.”
The CAD transcript, which lists event chronology for 911 emergencies, showed that units were dispatched just moments after the 911 call began and that it took paramedics three minutes to arrive at the clinic at 11:02 a.m. when they began emergency measures.
At 11:21, paramedics transmitted information about the patient’s condition to the University Hospital Case Medical Center and began to transport her to the emergency room, arriving at 11:26 a.m. The ambulance listed its status as “cleared” at 11:27 a.m.
At no time during the 28 minutes that emergency responders were in contact with the patient was there any indication that the patient ever resumed respiration.

 The CAD Transcript contained the “9-E-1,” the most serious of life-threatening medical emergencies, along with the notations “Cardiac or Respiratory Arrest/Death” and “Not breathing at all.”
Pastor Dale Henkel was on the scene and took video and photos of the incident, which have been released by Operation Rescue in a video that also features the 911 audio. He told Operation Rescue that the patient was African-American, as are about 80 percent of the high-volume clinic’s abortion business.
The video clip showed that emergency workers were not performing any kind of treatment on the woman as she was wheeled on a gurney to the awaiting ambulance. There appeared to be a small towel over the woman’s face.

    As a matter of practice, paramedics or EMTs do not pronounce death at the scene, but instead transport the victim to the hospital where a physician can pronounce a time of death.
Pastor Henkel told Operation Rescue that after the ambulance left the Preterm abortion clinic, it was followed by a woman thought to be a nurse wearing blue surgical scrubs, the office manager, and a man believed to be abortionist Mohammad Rezaee.
Last year, an Ohio woman sued Rezaee for malpractice after an abortion done by him failed and she later birthed a healthy “miracle baby.”
    This is not the first abortion complication recorded at Preterm. On April 13, 2013, activists photographed clinic escorts loading an injured abortion patient into a private vehicle for transport to an unknown location.
“It’s ironic that the abortion cartel has complained so loudly about the new abortion clinic standards in Ohio. Based on Friday’s incident, it appears that the regulations aren’t strict enough,” said Newman.
“If it had not been for alert pro-life activists, this tragedy surely would have been swept under the rug. But now, we plan to submit complaints in order to hold the Preterm abortion clinic and staff accountable so this doesn’t happen to another woman.”