Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Illinois is the deadliest state for babies ie: Hope Clinic Granite City, Planned Parenthood FVH


 Just when you think Illinois can't sink any deeper into moral depravity, it does. Gov. JB Pritzer announced on Friday Jan 21, 2021, Illinois will welcome any woman seeking an abortion with more free incentives via Illinois taxpayers.  Now, Illinois taxpayers will provide free abortions, free lodging, free transportation, and free daycare for other children, will be paid for by Illinois taxpayers. Is it any wonder Illinois is bankrupt not only financially, but morally too? The only reason Illinois met their recent budget fiscally was due to the covid-19 and government bailouts. Every year Illinois has been in the "red". We can't take care of the veterans, or the homeless, or fix our sink hole roads, but we can lure more bloodshed in this pathetic state, we haven't seen enough, in our ministry's 29 yr. history. Where did all that outrage go when Hope Clinic located in Granite City, Illinois, placed purple billboards at several entrances of the Land of Lincoln, stating " Welcome to Illinois where you can get a "safe and legal abortion".   This latest overreach of Illinois taxpayers' money from the legislators is disgusting. It's one thing to tell those who don't support abortion to mind their business, but it's another thing when those same people reach into Illinois taxpayers' wallets to pay for that business! The only parties smart enough to fight back currently are the Budget and U-haul rental trucks. They are making a fortune leaving Illinois.