Sunday, September 4, 2011

Scissors, Suction or Shotgun

         This past week we listened to a shaken detective describe two children, a four year old little girl and a five year old little boy, murdered by a shot gun blast to each child’s head at the hands of their protector: their mother, Yokeia Smith, 25, of East St. Louis, IL. The only survivor was an eight year old boy who ran for his life. He described the crime scene as very graphic, and his officers “saw evil in that room and will never be the same.”
        The same crime scene can be drawn inside abortion mills, quite often referred to as “slaughterhouses,” where children are barbarically tortured and graphically dismembered. The detective went on to say, “These children died brutal, horrific deaths.” Don’t aborted babies die the same way? He ended by saying, “They died a terror-filled, frightened death and these officers bear a heavy burden for what they saw. I hope people don’t forget, because these officers will never forget the evil they saw.” Here we go again. Don’t abortion-bound babies feel the terror? Mind you, I don’t agree with child killing, but how can we continue to judge this mother and hold her accountable when our government has violated the Constitution by giving mothers the right to decide who gets to live and who gets to die? It’s crazy.
        We witness mothers doing the same thing with their family members and friends outside the abortion mill. “It’s her choice!” they scream at us. “We’re here as her support.” The same was said by Ms. Smith’s family members in front of television cameras. “We have to put our arms around Yokeia and her surviving child. We support Yokeia,” sounding as if the other two dead children didn’t matter anymore. Can we draw the parallel between abortion and child killing? It happens everyday inside abortion centers. When it comes right down to it, it’s just a matter of timing, and in Ms. Smith’s case it was just a later-term abortion, just like Casey Anthony. Anyway you view it, scissors, suction, or shotgun: two more innocent children are dead by those entrusted to their well-being and care. There is no respect for life inside the womb or outside the womb.
       When you sow bloodshed in the womb, you will reap it in the streets, and that is exactly what we are seeing with the increasing violence in our homes and in our streets. Are we going to connect the dots or stay in denial? When will our church leaders rise up and stand against what is evil and call it what it is? This is not the will of God. And our professing leaders bear the responsibility to say so and preach and act against this evil. It is the most important crisis that we face in our day. It’s not the economy or the environment; it is the value we place on human life.
       God showed us, His people, how He felt by shedding His own blood and giving His life for us. How can God bless a nation that continues to ignore the cries of over fifty million children and counting whose blood is being shed? We must confess that as our brothers' keepers we have failed, but we do not have to wallow in that failure. We must follow in the example of those brave souls who have gone before us to bring to an end any oppression and holocaust, and not worry about the loss of man’s praises or character assassinations. We must embrace courage and make sacrifices, and act on it, in order to restore full protection to the innocent child in the womb and out of the womb. Only then will the murders of innocent children end and respect for life return. It is an epic battle of good versus evil, and it is a battle that can be won.
        “I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me.” Matthew 25:45

Be encouraged ~Angela