Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tragedy in Connecticut
December 14, 2012
Hosea 4:2 “Bloodshed pursues bloodshed.”

                        Today, less than two weeks from Christmas, the unthinkable happened in a small, close -knit picturesque Connecticut town.  Evil came to this community and wrecked havoc. A massacre of the innocents took place where children, teachers, and their trusting parents felt safe. That trust was violated in the most grotesque way by a deluded young man on a mission to kill babies.

            Not to take from the recent tragedy, but how many more mass shootings will it take for us to connect the dots on child killing? Yes, this was horrible; the most vulnerable and innocent were cut down in a classroom; they were like lambs being led to their slaughter, trapped in terror and in their Christmas decorated room. There was no one to defend them… just like those babies scheduled to be slaughtered at the local abortion mill.

            Yes, this kind of thing happens everyday across our nation inside abortion facilities; innocent babies are massacred…legally. The only difference between the carnage in malls, classrooms, theaters, and abortion clinics is the age and location of the human victims. They are all innocent, but someone else chooses to end their lives. And where was God? Remember, we kicked Him out of the schools. We have drifted so far from the Judeo-Christian teachings our nation was founded on that there is no fear of our consequences, or of God.                        

            But I ask you, could there be a connection between the bloodshed we have allowed to be shed in the womb and what we see in these mass mall and school shootings? Could it be possible that when we have removed God from every part of our lives we have allowed the devil in? Our nation has been entrenched for over 39 years in bloodshed-on-demand. What then should society expect? When you sow bloodshed in the womb, you will reap it in the streets. This is what we are reaping. We have become a savage nation. We allow the senseless murder of pre-born children inside abortion clinics; we shouldn’t be surprised when these mass shootings happen. In fact, we should be prepared for more.         What it will take for us to connect the dots: murder in the womb leads to murder in a classroom; lethal bullets versus curettes and suction hoses. There is no difference; both kill.  

            As reported by media, one little girl who was murdered in the room was preparing for and looking forward to her first communion. Another kindergartener was excited to play the angel in the Christmas play scheduled for this Tuesday. These innocent children and their teachers had their whole lives to look forward to. It was violently taken from them. I cannot imagine the horror that those innocent babies and the teachers felt and saw in the last moments of their lives, the same horror that innocent babies scheduled to be aborted feel inside their mothers’ wombs, which is supposed to be the safest place.

            How cold and calculated can people be? First Columbine, then the Amish schoolhouse, VA Tech, the Oregon mall, an Arizona Congressional rally, Northern Illinois University, now a Connecticut elementary school. According to police reports, a man killed his mother at home then forced his way into the elementary school where his mother taught, massacring approximately twenty children and six teachers. He then took the coward’s way out and turned the gun on himself.

            There is no police force big enough to protect our nation from the evil within. Our hearts are broken; there are no words to soothe the grieved. We are sorry, so sorry that there is so much violence and disrespect for life in our nation; this is indeed a heart issue. We have to change the hearts of our nation, not laws, if we are ever going to stop these senseless killings.

            I woke up this morning to cold rain; it set the mood to the heavy heart we have felt for the past 18 hours. I got ready to go to the abortion clinic where I am every Saturday. I couldn’t even listen to the festive Christmas music because I cannot imagine the pain of having to bury a child that was murdered, let alone twenty at this special time of year. It was only after I stood for hours at the abortion mill pleading and begging on behalf of those innocent babies scheduled to be slaughtered today inside the abortion mill, that the heaviness lifted somewhat when we were able to connect the dots to those parents that were contemplating their child’s fate and only by the grace of God that were we able to convince at different times, two abortion-minded moms not to go through with their child’s execution. Only then did I feel like I wasn’t helpless, that I was able to do something to prevent more murders. I can relate to the first responders at the crime scene.     

            We were joyous with the two precious babies that were saved through our efforts, but there is so much more that this nation needs to be doing to stop the senseless murder of innocent children in and out of the womb. We need to return to a culture of life, or we are doomed.

            Please keep the situation in your prayers.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


November 2012
Written By: Angela Michael

           Years ago, executive director Kathy Sparks exploited pregnant women and killed babies behind the abortion clinic doors. She says she has changed her ways, repented, and started a chain of dormant pregnancy centers. For the past twenty years outside the Hope Clinic in Granite City it has been obvious to our vital ultrasound/pregnancy resource ministry and many abortion-bound clients that Kathy Sparks continues to exploit pregnant women and kill babies by her actions under the guise of being a Christian and pro-life. Her pregnancy centers discriminate and make it nearly impossible to receive on-the-spot help for desperate pregnant women. And where are mothers to go after they have delivered their babies and need help?  

            Kathy Sparks is like President Barack Obama: she talks smooth and is very convincing; she is a great salesman, but she is not saving babies or helping women, contrary to her radio ads and billboards. We have exposed and confronted her on several occasions, but she cons her donors and steals others’ work to print in her newsletters in order to build her financial empire on the backs of desperate pregnant women and dead babies.

            Now, Sparks’ latest money-making scheme is to raise funds for an ultrasound van. She only needs twenty thousand more dollars to obtain a van.  Sparks has been saying this for over a year now as she panders to the churches to, “Go into the inner city and reach out to women who need her.” REALLY?  Where have you been, Kathy?  You refuse to help women in your hometown of Granite City. Are you going to make the poor pregnant women take classes in order to obtain an STD test, a package of diapers, or a car seat like you have been doing for years?  Our ultrasound / pregnancy resource ministry has been going out into the streets and helping those very same women your pregnancy centers have been turning away for decades now.

          Why isn’t Sparks helping abortion-bound women? This should tell you that she is not pro-life; rather she is pro-money. Unfortunately, Sparks is similar to many other pro-life organizations that are not here to see abortion end. And God forbid, they don’t chastise one another because these pro-life centers are making money hand over fist and vying for the same dollar. They, like many financial businesses, would be jumping off their buildings if abortion came to an end overnight. She’s an entertainer and a liar. And just like President Obama, uneducated people think Sparks can walk on water. So more babies die.

            We begged Sparks’ pregnancy center to help us outside the Midwest’s largest, late-term abortion mill decades ago; each time we begged for an ultrasound, she refused to open her doors. At one point, we called the emergency number, and we were told to just let the 17 week pregnant girl go, “especially if she is on drugs or alcohol.” We were devastated. It took two days to kill that baby, and we witnessed the execution while Kathy Sparks was out of town on another speaking engagement.  

            Look at Sparks’ reported income. It should reveal her true character. She is here to build a financial empire on murdered babies. Many witnesses who stand with us outside the abortion mill are aware of her lies. Several have tried speaking with her and have gone to her offices, if they are open...if we have an appointment.  

            Many pregnant girls have fallen through the pro-life cracks due to Mosaic’s restrictions i.e.: Must come to Mosaic at the onset of pregnancy; must take classes to qualify for baby supplies; must accept Jesus on the spot; must be in the first trimester to receive an ultrasound; must be on Tuesday afternoons only. These desperate women end up coming to the local abortion mill to get help; we have intercepted them. Mosaic is a running joke inside the abortion mill and to city inhabitants seeking assistance.                                                                                       

          At least Kathy Sparks’ tax return form of 2011 states that she only provides abstinence education; no mention of helping pregnant women. Sparks continues to pay herself approximately $80,000 annually. Most recent tax returns report that she took in approximately $959,971 in 2009, $760,000 in 2010, and $443,000 in 2011. Less than $5,600 reportedly was spent on pregnant women. Visit under “Metro East Crisis Pregnancy Centers Inc” to see the truth of where retirees’ donations are going.

            When we broke the story on Sparks and her relationship with Thrive STL and Miss Missouri, plans to try and destroy our vital ministry were being plotted. When you tell the truth, it becomes hate. All of the sudden “anonymous” and slanderous websites went up. We have successfully connected the perpetrators. As the defunct Christian tabloid publication, “St. Louis Metro Voice” told us, “This was Small Victories’ payback for exposing Pregnancy Resource Center, Kathy Sparks, and Miss Missouri” according to founder and editor Jim Day.                                  

           Even a defaming and slanderous website against our 20 year daily ministry outside the Midwest’s largest, late-term abortion mill has not gotten rid of us” as these despicable so-called Christians have schemed to do. Psalms 101:5 “Whoever slanders his neighbor in secret, him I will put to silence.” If God be for us, who would go against us? That should tell you the condition of most pastors and churches nowadays.  Read “Chatham Bible Church and Tim Keating Exposed” on       

            Unfortunately, the pro-life movement has become a financial industry and a career for many people, including Sparks. It’s good to want to teach young women how to become great mothers with classes and support, but pregnant moms need help right now. They cannot wait weeks or months for assistance or jump through hoops to get a layette. Kathy knows her former employee in Granite City, Hope Clinic, is there with open arms to help pregnant women with one choice: abortion. There will never be unity where individuals posing as “anti-abortion” are making a fortune by scamming donors and living off of innocent blood. That’s why abortion continues 40 years later.

            Other good organizations are too afraid to speak out and chastise their own because they too are striving for that pro-life dollar. Cash cow rackets include 40 Days for Life, Coalition for Life St.Louis, Life Choice, Vitae Society, Priests for Life, Thrive St. Louis, and most pregnancy resource centers.(call and ask for a crib) They do nothing to very little to stop abortion except to send out mass e-mails and fundraising letters to make more money. They make Bernie Madoff look like a saint.

    Now on the bright side: I guess you could say that our pioneering ultrasound streets ministry has forced these much larger cash cow organizations out of their buildings. Sort of a back handed compliment to our 20 years of daily ministry. Over 4300 babies have been saved from abortion and many mothers helped with assistance to continue their pregnancies. 43 babies have been adopted.  I don’t put much faith in any of them to do what they claim they will be doing, or in inclimate weather as we have done, but “Thank You “, all the same.  It’s good to know we started a wildfire from a little brushfire, in doing God’s calling.Transparency and accountability can be viewed on our fruitful website .

            We will keep confronting what is evil and exposing the unfruitful works of darkness.

“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” E. Hoffer    

Read further:

“Cash Cows of Metro-St. Louis: Certain pro-life organizations would rather perpetuate abortion than prevent abortion”

Bible-pushing pregnancy center sues for taxpayer dollars


                                                    December 2, 2012

Written by: Angela Michael

Hello, anyone home? This is what our ministry has been exposing all along for years outside the Midwest largest late term abortion mill in Illinois. Just one Crisis Pregnancy Center in Granite City has taking millions of dollars from the government in grant money. This is why a lot of CPC’s change their names as we learned from Dr Dobson’s organization, Focus on The Family, so the same CPC can apply for thousands of dollars in grant money each year, and continue feeding off the government teet.

This is why abortion will never come to an end. We are losing from within. New Beginnings/ Mosaic Pregnancy Centers headquarters in Granite City, Illinois, has taken in over a million dollars in grant money from the government, that we could document.

What they are not telling the pro-life donors and the churches is that when you accept government money you are required to inform pregnant women of ALL their options including “abortion”, and where they can obtain one. This would explain why in earlier days outside the abortion mill in GC we were intercepting pregnant girls coming from New Beginnings to get an abortion.

Kathy Sparks publically stated, “She is still friends with many of her former co workers inside the abortion clinic and that they were nice people”. This is why our ministry is being libeled and attacked by “anonymous” websites and bloggers because we have reported this and exposed pro-life organizations who are there to perpetuate abortion; not end it and they are making a killing off the income they receive.

What is more surprising , is the pro abortion Obama administration to continue feeding government monies to the Christian prolife based pregnancy centers who are gorging themselves at the trough. We assumed feeding at the governments teet would be cut off a long time ago..

Especially when pregnancy centers, like Mosaic, Thrive St.Louis, and Care Net discriminate against pregnant women and selectively help a few who have to earn government funded assistance. The following article backs up what we have been exposing regarding the hypocrisy and the “cash cows” of the so called prolife movement. Care Net is one of the biggest to cash in. This does not stop abortion or save babies scheduled to die. It’s a racket, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

“ Proclaim the truth and do not be silent through fear. Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire
An anti-abortion, "Christ-centered ministry" in Vermont is looking for a federal loan to build its operation

Crisis Pregnancy Centers are problematic on many levels: they often engage in deceptive practices, setting up shop near abortion providers to confuse women, handing out medically inaccurate information and sometimes even coercing patients.

Many are Christian conversion clearinghouses in disguise, as well.
One such “Christ-centered ministry” in Vermont, part of a national umbrella network of Christian CPCs, got rejected for a federal loan for a variety. Now they are suing.
Care Net is a self-described “pregnancy resource center” that works to prevent abortion by offering an array of services, including free pregnancy tests, parenting classes, and counseling. The USDA denied the group’s loan request due to the “inherently religious” nature of some of its programming.
Care Net’s most troubling offering, as far as USDA officials were concerned, was a rewards-based learning program called “Learn to Earn,” wherein expectant parents had to take a certain number of parenting and Bible study classes in order to receive free baby supplies. (Care Net’s executive director has said the center has since suspended the Bible study requirement.) The center also offers, according to a brochure, a “bible centered program” called “Post Abortive Teaching and Healing” that “enables women to process their abortion-related experiences and emotions with the goal of healing and recovery.” In addition, Care Net conducts an abstinence-only sex-education class called “Why Am I Tempted?” or WAIT.
Sounds like some of these offerings might have been a bit of a violation of the whole “church and state” thing, which is why the initial loan request was denied:
On the advice of its legal department, the USDA concluded that were the agency to engage in a long-term borrower-lender relationship with Care Net, there was a potential for “excessive government entanglement with religion,” which the Supreme Court has decided is a violation of the First Amendment’s establishment clause.
In a May 2011 memo, USDA Office of the General Counsel attorney adviser Virginia Henning wrote that though Care Net’s non-religious activities were eligible for financial assistance under the federal agency’s program rules, it would be difficult for the USDA to “accurately prorate the amount of time and space used in this facility for religious education” and would thus require “extensive monitoring” from the USDA to make sure the center was not engaging in too much religious activity.
The case is going back to court to see if ‘the loan denial on the basis of the group’s religious activities violated Care Net’s constitutional rights to free speech and equal protection” but as Resnick notes, this is a case that the group hopes will very much open the door for more federal funding for religious groups.

Friday, August 17, 2012

"IT WAS THE FEAR OF GOD", that changed my mind..

       It was righteous indignation rising up our backsides on this hot, triple-digit Tuesday as midnight abortions were underway.  She walked up to the entrance of the slaughterhouse with her very pregnant belly protruding over the lip of her pants. Her friend accompanied her and kept looking over at us as we softly offered her other options instead of aborting her large baby. We told her, "The only choice your baby girl or boy gets is scissors or suction to the back of their head. You would not do that to a puppy or a kitten; how can you do that to your own flesh and blood?" No response; they went inside.

       More late-term abortion-bound mothers continued to arrive and we kept softly offering them another way out of their situation. It's always wrong to take an innocent life, but why do these abortion-bound mothers wait until they are so far along in their pregnancies to kill their babies? It was disgusting to witness this all afternoon. Then by the grace of God, both women came back out. We met them at the driveway of the slaughterhouse. Daniel was already engaged talking, and the very pregnant woman was holding our brochure and smiling. She confirmed that she was over 23 weeks pregnant with a baby boy and that she was not going through with the late-term abortion. Praise God!

       Lately, we have been encountering abortion-bound couples who unashamedly, tell us that they admit what they are doing is wrong, but believe that God will forgive them. It has been flying in our faces, but especially in God's face outside this late-term abortion mill for some time to the point that we recently addressed the pitiful situation just last week and posted an article on our website. It has received many reviews across the internet. Sadly, our nation does not have any shame anymore. Our ministry has asked the question, "Where is the fear of God?"
       Well, amazingly, today we got an answer. "Tika" and her freind told us when we asked what changed her mind that it was the fear of God. Her friend said, "I kept telling her this was wrong, then we saw you all, and we listened to what you said." Tika added, "When I got inside there up on that table, I felt fear." I asked her, "You know the Lord?" "Yes ma'am. I know Jesus." Praise the Lord! There is still hope for this nation and the Church. This is what we have been softly preaching outside the slaughterhouse. "Only God can give life and only God can take life. He is our ultimate Judge. When we go before the throne on Judgment Day, and it's coming, what will we say?"

       Both girls hugged us and thanked us for speaking to them and getting their attention. We ran to the ultrasound van and brought back two gift bags for a baby boy full of supplies and gifts for mom and baby. They promised to keep in touch.

   Listen saints, today was more proof, that, God has not given up on this sinful nation, more than likely, due to a handful of holy and prayerful warriors.  Let us not give up on God. We are in the fourth quarter, and there are two minutes left on the clock.

  Be encouraged,

Related articles: "In Defense of Jesus"
                              " Where Is The Fear Of God?"

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Family Seeks Answers After Woman’s Death Following Abortion


Forward by: Angela Michael
Another young woman dies at the hands of "safe, legal, and rare" motto of the abortion industry.  It's called "choice", It happened this past Friday at a Planned Parenthood in Chicago, Illinois. Tonya Reeves was killed during her abortion .  

It appears she hemorrhaged in the back of this abortion mill that advertises it kills babies up until the 18th week of pregnancy. Dismemberment abortions (D&E) are often performed after 12 weeks.  She was transferred to Northwestern University Hospital ,the same hospital that trained Hope Clinic abortionist, Erin King, where she died.   More than likely, this was preventable.
 We have learned from numerous lawsuits, that due to sub-standard conditions and unqualified staff, gross negligence and malpractice, coupled by a delay in calling 911 for assistance, errors are made, and women die.  Abortion advocates rally they never want to return to "back alley abortions". But, back alley abortions have not ended.  They just cost more and the abortionist comes through the front door. 
 CHICAGO (CBS) – The family of a Chicago woman who died after an abortion at Planned Parenthood says it wants answers about her death.
      Tonya Reaves, 24, died late Friday night from a hemorrhage, with a cervical dilation and evacuation, as well as an intrauterine pregnancy as contributing causes, according to the medical examiner’s office.
She died after she’d had an abortion at Planned Parenthood at 18 S. Michigan Av, according to the medical examiner’s office.
     Her death was ruled an accident, but the Reaves family wants to know more, especially Tonya’s twin sister Toni. “We were born the same day. She was my other half,” Toni said. Toni Reaves said the family is trying to get through this.
    “It happened so fast. She was just fine one day and then the next day she was gone. We’re just trying to figure out what happened… what happened,” she said. Toni Reaves said her sister was engaged to be married and had one son – Alvin – who just had his first birthday.
    In a written statement, Planned Parenthood of Illinois CEO Carole Brite said “We were shocked and saddened upon learning of a tragic development at a nearby hospital. Our hearts go out to the loved ones of this patient.
   “While legal abortion services in the United States have a very high safety record, a tragedy such as this is devastating to loved ones and we offer our deepest sympathies. Planned Parenthood of Illinois cares deeply about the health and safety of each and every patient. We do not publicly discuss private patient matters and we follow HIPAA laws that forbid the disclosure of patient information.”

Sunday, June 17, 2012

“The Purpose Driven Life…Purposely Killing Our Babies. Thank You Rick Warren”

June 15, 2012
Written by Angela Michael

            It’s always disheartening to view so many Black Americans using the abortion mill as their choice of birth control. They methodically perpetrate the brutal dismemberments of their unborn children at a higher rate compared to Caucasians, Hispanics, or Asians. 

            Today was no different as we arrived and quickly set up. We witnessed huge babies scheduled to die. Let’s see: Rhode Island, North Carolina, and approx fifteen Missouri cars were present of the approx twenty-five inside killing their late-term babies. We tried to softly speak to the mothers as they stood in line to sign out the death warrants. One young, very pregnant woman came back out and sat on the smoking bench listening to our pleas of mercy.  I felt indignation rising up my back as I viewed her very pregnant frame.

            At about the same time, another Black American woman was carrying a very popular publication, a Christian book by Pastor Rick Warren in her hand as she entered the slaughterhouse. Thanks, Rick Warren. You have done so much to save babies; you and all of the other 99% of prosperity pastors and their once-a-year pro-life sermons, if that. It is about as bad as these carnal Christians carrying in their Bible as they kill their unborn babies.

            Our focus turned back to the very pregnant girl. She stood up, smoked, and talked over to us; she was 28 weeks. This mother screamed that she already had three children and couldn’t have another one. I corrected her and said, “No, you have four children. That one you are carrying is as precious as the three at home.” She appeared to tear up as she inhaled her cigarette. “Smoking is bad for pregnant women.”

            I spoke my heart to her. Even Bob came over and said, “You tried; that’s what counts. It’s not over yet. God is still on the throne.”  I offered to adopt her baby while briefly sharing our youngest son’s testimony and saying that we could temporarily take custody, and when she is ready to parent she could get her baby back. “There is no excuse to kill that late-term baby,” I told her. I asked, “Why did you wait until you are over halfway through your pregnancy to butcher your baby?  How does a mother carry a baby for this long? Did you just wake up and decide, ‘Today’s the day. I don’t want it anymore?’” She didn’t answer, but just continued smoking and taking our pleas all in. She was cold, hardening her heart.

            I told her, “Only God can take life, and only God can give life. It’s not for us to play God or to judge our innocent babies.”  I told the others to keep praying. The man who brought her didn’t even have the stamina to go inside with her; he knew this was wrong. He parked and sat in the back lot the entire time. She stood up. “Oh God, please, this baby is so big.” I asked her, “Do you realize that you are taking a chance? You are risking your own life with a late-term dismemberment. The baby’s arms and legs will be broken off, and as the abortionist pulls them through the birth canal they are like sharp projectiles. They can cause all kinds of danger to you. It’s safer to give birth to this baby and place him or her for adoption.” However, she wasn’t having any of this. She finished her smoke and yelled over that she was just going back inside to do some paper work. “Please don’t sign that baby’s death warrant. That baby has a destiny.” She walked back inside to our disbelief. Rage filled our minds.

            Just last week our local media splashed yet another dreadful story of a young life being cut down in the streets of St. Louis. A young 14 year old girl was shot in the head as she walked with her friends. No one saw the shooter. Some of the witnesses interviewed offered that she was a sweet girl without any enemies. One witness did say that the 14-year-old had an argument over a boy earlier in the day. Police still haven’t connected anyone with the shooting. But my oh my, the outcry from the public and her family was incredible. This unfortunate situation gets media attention, yet the defenseless late-term baby gets none. Where is the outcry when a 24 or a 28 week old baby can be slaughtered inside Hope Clinic any day of the week?  When we witness so much bloodshed in the womb from such calloused, hardened mothers why are we surprised when the same violence is happening in the streets to our children? Can you connect the dots? 

            When the Rick Warrens of our world will not confront this abomination, but rather continue to sell their books and preach their prosperity sermons, what should we expect to witness going into the slaughterhouses across our nation?  Where is the outcry?  We are living and dealing with a nation full of savages.  Every man is for himself. Forget the widows and the aliens. We are a depraved society full of blood-thirsty murderers.                                                         

            We continue to build a culture of death by turning a blind eye to this atrocity and hoping it just goes away. We refuse to confront the enemy at the gates who has come to steal, to kill, and to destroy. When we sow bloodshed in the womb, we will reap it in the streets.  Who is the most responsible for the detestable act of abortion and infanticide? We need only look in the mirror.    

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Tuesday May 22, 2012 Midnight Abortions

“I wanted to come back and tell you that,” the blonde haired girl said.  “Really?”  I replied.  “I thank God for you,” she added. I asked her if there was anything we could do for her. “You already did.”

“Please hold on, I have something for you,” and I ran to the ultrasound van and grabbed a gift bucket we bless the pregnant moms with who choose life for their babies.  “God told me the pink one was for you,” and she accepted it and smiled.                    

Thank you,” she said.  I asked her,  What changed your mind?”  “She said, “That sign and what you said.”  She asked,  They still kill babies at 24 weeks right?”
 I gasped, “Yes, they do.”  With that I hugged her and whispered,  Thank you for doing the right thing.  I promise to walk with you the rest of your pregnancy if you would like?”

No, I’m okay.  I called my mom to come and get me.  I’m going home to shop for baby things,” she said.  Thank you people for being here.”  As we watched her walk across the street and to the hospital main entrance parking lot, I returned to the sidewalk and shared the good news with co-laborers who were witnessing.                                              
 Only ten minutes earlier this young girl was standing knee deep with about twenty-five other mothers lined up to go inside the slaughterhouse.  It was an overwhelming sight.  They lined up from the guards shack to the edge of the alley.  They lined up and stood there over 30 minutes, listening to every word I said.  Not one person cussed me out or saluted me with their middle finger.  It was a busy slaughtering night.  While Daniel set up our outreach, I jumped to my feet with a graphic sign in one hand and our rescued and adopted daughter in the other.  I didn’t scream; I just spoke as loud and gently as I could as not to incite.                                                                

     I started by telling them I was not there to judge or scream at them but to help them and to warn them.  I began by offering to help them with free options and then went into the botched abortion this past Saturday and notified this large crowd of the recent health code violations and citations this slaughterhouse has received.   “It’s not safe!” I invited them to go to our website and read the truth of this killing place.  They were all listening.  Most turned to me especially when I shared our daughters rescue and adoption. I felt like I was standing naked on the sidewalk with my heart in my hand, but I felt the Holy Spirit was on me and Daniel kept encouraging me to keep talking.  I held Hannah’s beautiful picture and said, “This is life,”  and held up the graphic aborted baby sign and said, “This is death.  Which will you pick today?”                                                                                         
 The little blonde girl kept looking over and I thought I was about to get an ear full or a middle finger.  To our surprise, she got out of line and walked through the line of parked cars and I signaled for Daniel to check it out.  She brushed past him and told him she “Wasn’t doing it;” she was leaving.  He ran back to me and told me.   I then called over to the mothers and accomplices still standing in line for about thirty minutes now, “Okay, who’s going to join that courageous mother who just chose life for her baby? Any takers?  It takes a lot of courage to walk away from those doors.  Any coward can kill a baby, but a strong woman would turn and run from this evil.”                                                                

Just then, the belly of the beast unlocked their purple doors and began letting the couples inside the slaughterhouse.   Bob, Stan and I took turns speaking to those left on the walkway.   We then had a save from Saturday show up for baby supplies and a girl and her mother came for an ultrasound.   The first shift of abortion bound had arrived and gone inside.  We helped the save with supplies and she left when a couple standing in line earlier came back out and confirmed to Daniel they were keeping their baby and accepted our literature as they walked to their car.  Praise God!                                                            

  We went on to do two more ultrasounds and saves.  I can’t imagine what is going through the minds of moms and dads standing in line to kill their babies ..I thank God that we are there to be a voice for those without one and to warn them. “Only God can give life: and only God can take life.  It’s not for us to judge who gets to live and who gets to die. He is our ultimate judge. When we stand before Him, what will we say?   
 Every step toward the goal of justice requires suffering, sacrifice, and struggle: the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals”.MLK

Friday, April 27, 2012

Another Baby Saved


April 2012

     Yes, it’s true! Had someone not intervened, this darling little girl would have been destined for death. But, because someone cared enough to lay their life down, she was born. And yes, she is from Russia (sort of); her pregnant mother (from Russia) was living in New Yorkand being forced to abort her baby by the boyfriend. However, a brother in Christ who was discipled through our ministry, stepped up to the plate, so to speak, and took this desperate mother into a “safe-house” until she gave birth. He then provided safe passage to another state where she and her baby can reside and begin a new life.

       He sent the following message, again reinforcing that our vital Small Victories ministry knows no boundaries.

      “This would have been her second abortion. I hid her from her boyfriend at my apartment until the final week (from some crazy Russian mafia guy) then got her to another state. She’s keeping the baby. She says it’s her Easter egg. J

       It’s my finest moment. Baby is Anastasia. Mom is Elena. Also from Russia.

      We fight anyway we can fight, as much as we are able. Don’t give up the fight. You were the best influence on my life.  Thank You Jesus! 

      1 Corinthians 15:57-58 “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ…Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

       It is through the Holy Spirit that every good work is accomplished. The apostle Paul wrote to the church of Corinth and said, Your zeal has stirred up the majority” 2 Corinthians 9:2 That is exactly what our ministry has strived to do throughout our years of daily ministry. 

       God’s grace imparts to all who give themselves as a channel for its outflow to the world. Let your light shine! This is the blessing of those who show mercy to the poor. While those who give and provide for the needy, they themselves are blessed to a still greater degree.

       This is what being Jesus is all about; when we are willing to do “whatever it takes” to save a life. Truly, the blessing is in the giving.:)

        Be encouraged,


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


                            March 9th, 2012                                                    

         As the Hispanic looking couple approached the slaughterhouse from the alley, Daniel offered them a brochure and free help. The abortion-bound woman calmly said, “OH, MY MEDICAID WILL PAY FOR IT.”   She continued to walk by us as Angela offered to adopt her baby. “No, it’s okay,” and she walked up to the doors. Something inside our intestinal fortitude just bristle's with indignation when we hear abortion-bound women brush us off, saying that they are good and they don’t need our free help cause they are going to be reaching in our wallets to pay for their business. These are the Sandra Flukes of our society. They tell us to mind our own business when it comes to birth control, abortifacients, and infanticide, but they expect our taxes to cover their business. They feel “entitled” to our universal wallets. That’s some nerve!

       In the news recently, Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown University law student, testified before a House Oversight Committee, advocating the position that all insurance coverage should include contraceptives. In other words: our universal pockets would be forcibly picked to support the questionable behavior of the few.    
       But, this is nothing new.  On numerous occasions in street-side counseling sessions outside the Midwest's largest late-term abortion mill, Hope Clinic, many indigent women have admitted to us their medical card was paying for their abortions. Not just the earmarked 25% allotted through the government in cases of rape, but the full price. Yes, we have come across clients who brazenly admitted their late-term abortions were costly and their medical card would cover it as long as they claimed the pregnancy was a result of rape.  All they had to do when filling out their forms was place a mark in the box indicating they had been raped. 
       So, whether it's before conception or after, we the people are footing the bills for immoral behavior and, to turn around and tell taxpayers to mind their own business when it comes to birth-control and infanticide as they are reaching into our wallets to pay for that business, that’s some nerve. Tell me, where are the lawmakers who are suppose to be looking into the recent spikes in Medicaid paid abortions in Illinois? Funded%20Abortions%20Exposed%20Oct%2008.html


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Husband and Wife Serial Baby Killers

along with Rachel Maue, Hopeless counselor
                                                             March  2012

            Meet your butchers!  Here, they are pictured at a local NARAL gala this past fall.  Both Eisenberg and King have OB/GYN practices in St. Louis and moonlight as baby butchers. Eisenberg is located at Planned Parenthood, aka Auschwitz West in St. Louis, Missouri and King over at Hope Clinic, aka Auschwitz East in Granite City, Illinois. Both reside in University City, Missouri, a growing diverse entertainment area which houses two teaching and learning universities.  Sally Burgess, Hopeless deathcamp director, also has property in the “Loop” area of University City.

            King practices at the Grace Hill Health Center in a section of North St. Louis, a highly crime ridden and poor black area. She then travels across the river to Granite City, Illinois where, ironically, more black babies die, than white

            Erin King and David Eisenberg are both 2007 graduates of Northwestern University in Chicago Illinois, and have violated the sacred Hippocratic Oath given to those “called to heal and preserve life.” They are guilty of murdering babies at two local abortion mills.  Yes, the husband and wife team have willingly chosen to dismember unborn babies and are getting rich off blood-money at the expense of moms and dads being deceived by the Father of lies, Satan.

            There are not many duos like this in America, so let’s pray that God will deal with this deadly tandem and continue to bless our 20 years of daily ministry. Abortions have dropped over 70% in the last two years at the Midwest’s largest, late-term abortion mill, Hope Clinic, due to our faithfulness. God calls us to be the salt and light, “to have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness, but rather expose them”, Ephesians 5:11. Let us continue to stand against injustice and plead the case of the fatherless.

            In Jesus’ name we pray,

Friday, March 2, 2012


February 28th  

We arrived in the City of Slaughter and quickly set up our pregnancy outreach on this “spring-like” day. It was encouraging to view the peaceful prayer witness of a local church group and their pastor. As soon as our feet touched the sidewalk and we gave a quick introduction to the new prayer warriors, we were engaged in the battle this day. A few cars were on the parking lot with clients inside waiting for the Belly of the Beast to open its mouth and devour their innocent blood offerings.

Only minutes after we began our vigil, across the street a loud wailing began. We turned and witnessed a young woman coming from the hospital emergency room. I knew that sound. It has become far too familiar in our twenty year history of daily ministering outside this abortion mill. The group was concerned. “There has been a death in the emergency room.” They returned their focus to the abortion-minded women beginning to get out of their cars as the guard signaled. We softly pleaded with other options, another way out of the situation, and our free services. The moaning from across the street was a distraction; we felt for the young woman and her loss, but we kept begging mercy for these babies about to be slaughtered. The clients were listening, and some stopped to talk with their accomplices.

One young woman and a young girl accompanying her began their walk up to the door, listening all the way to our pleas. Suddenly, they turned and ran back to the car parked across the street on the medical parking lot. We continued softly speaking to the mothers standing in line. I looked over my shoulder; they were sitting in their car talking. Some of the prayer warriors were leaving. One woman who informed us she, too, was also a nurse and worked at an area pregnancy center, offered to stay with us and help me if I needed assistance due to my injured arm. Grateful for her company, I told her, “God told me to turn the ultrasound machine on. We are going to be busy.” I asked the prayer warriors to pray for me, “I’m going to find that car.”

It wasn’t hard; they were on the end. I approached, and at first the passenger was attempting to ignore me as I softly asked them if I could give them some literature. She rolled the window down and the driver was crying. “Oh honey, it’s going to be okay.” I then knelt by the car and gently shared what God had put on my heart concerning their situation. The driver was actually the one seeking the abortion and the passenger was her teenage daughter. They listened and were receptive as I also shared our ministry resources available on the spot. They thanked me, but the driver wanted to sit in the car and continue thinking. I pointed to where I would be standing, then thanked them and walked back to the ultrasound van where I shared the situation and asked prayer warriors to continue praying.

The wailing across the street got louder, and we noticed that now a group (possibly family members) were assembled and there was more sadness; we felt helpless. We wanted to go over and offer our condolences, but the abortion-minded mothers kept coming, and we had to stay engaged and focused. We asked God to please comfort those mourning their loss.

Helen and a seminarian joined us, and we updated them. They began praying the rosary. A few minutes later, the mother and daughter whom I spoke to began walking up to the doors of the abortion mill. Our hearts sank. We continued to softly speak to them as they waited to go inside. Helen took over and began speaking and didn't give up. I bet they stood there for five minutes listening. Finally, they turned and quickly began walking to us. I ran in the van and prepared to save this baby. I looked out, and Helen was holding the woman in her arms. Both were crying. I held my hand out and said, “Come on in."

Susan” came in to help and assist me. I asked preliminaries, took a deep breath, and began the scan. To our surprise, there appeared an approximate 24 week old baby. It appeared to be a boy. I turned the screen for the mother to see, and told her that it wasn't an early pregnancy. He was rather large. She looked over, and tears poured from her eyes. “I didn't know I was that far along.” I did some measuring, but it was hard as the baby kept moving, basically auditioning for his life. Even the mother commented how active the baby was, denying his movements thinking it was gas. Now, she knows this baby is auditioning for his life. “He knows where he is. He senses what is about to happen to him,” I offered. “And at any stage, abortion is dangerous, but when you're this far along, it gets even more complicated.” I knew she was worried about that when I spoke to her in the car.

Susan chimed in on behalf of this baby, pointing out the little baby’s face and hands going up to the mouth. “This appears to be a thumb-sucker.” We listened to the heartbeats, approximately 142, and inquired why she felt she had to abort this child. She offered that she didn't know she was this far along, and that the father really wasn't in her life anymore. She already has three children that are pretty spread apart in ages. “But they would be such a help in raising this child.” She agreed. She has a job, a car, and a nice place to live. We went over our resources we could help her with and how we could network as we found out she lived at least four hours away.

This mother kept looking at her baby, and he kept putting his hand up to the screen as if he were waving and saying, “Mommy, mommy! I'm right here. I'm right here. I love you mommy!” After spending a good amount of time inside the van listening, talking, and praying, I finally asked her, “So what are we going to do?” She wiped tears from her eyes, “I'm going to go home.” We broke out in tears, praising God. After exchanging contact information, we shared several hugs. We came out of the van, and the pressure seemed to have fallen off of her shoulders as she thanked us again and walked over to their car. Daniel followed them and blessed them with some meal money. They were very grateful.

Daniel informed us that while doing the ultrasound, the mother and daughter from Missouri that we spoke with earlier standing in line came back out and confirmed they were keeping their baby. They accepted our brochure and thanked us as they pulled off the lot. Our assistant this day was very encouraged. She began sharing about being led to come down to this abortion facility. We had to break up our conversation as the Indian-looking couple that walked in earlier came back out and stood at their car. I softly called over offering our assistance.

Once again, I grabbed our literature as they came towards the exit of the parking lot. They rolled the window down, and I knelt beside their car as the young girl smiled at me. This was her mother who brought her for the abortion. She shared with me that she was 24 weeks pregnant, and wasn’t going to go through with the abortion. She thanked us for being out there and accepted the booklets and literature that I gave her. Her mother thanked us as they drove off the lot. I came back shared with the others. This was another late-term save. Everyone smiled and was encouraged.

The distraught family by the emergency room began to dissipate. They were still visibly shaken from their loss. Another car pulled up in front of us. “Adele” brought her sister-in-law “Emily.” She wanted her to see an ultrasound before she did anything. We brought Emily inside the van and quickly scanned. There to her surprise was an approximate 8 week old baby floating in an ocean of amniotic fluid doing a swimmer’s backstroke. She could see the little heart beating and little hands. We pointed out the orbits of the eyes. The baby was very active. She admitted, “I don’t know how I can do this.” We informed her that with the Lord she can do anything and we would provide the other stuff. She smiled. We went over resources and physician follow-up. Adele informed us, “You probably don't remember me, but five years ago you talked me out of aborting my baby, and I went on to have two more, and they are the loves of my life.” She told her sister-in-law Emily, “This lady will help you. She helped me.”

We then took some pictures, hugged one another, and got them in their car. They promised to stay in touch with us and even stayed long enough to try and speak to some of the clients that kept arriving to kill their babies. Adele shared with the abortion-minded women how she, “once thought abortion was the answer, but this lady here talked me out of it. I have three beautiful children now. I would never kill my baby.” Many of the clients turned to listen to her. What a great witness! They honked and thanked us as they drove away.

Susan, our assistant today, turned to me with goosebumps and said, “I've never experienced anything like this.” She shared how she volunteers at an area pregnancy center, but said, “We don't do anything or see anything like what you do.” She continued, “The girls that come to us are there for some free help or an ultrasound, but none of them are there to kill their babies.” She then gave our ministry the greatest compliment and said, “This is where we all should be standing, with you.” Susan gave me a hug. Praise God! This was more confirmation of what we have been exposing about pregnancy centers. Read:

I then told Susan, “I, too, used to volunteer at a pregnancy center, but I quickly found out that abortion-minded women were not coming to pregnancy centers; they are walking into the local abortion facility.” I continued, “Susan, this is what got us started: I came down here and saw women going in there like herds of cattle, and there was no help, no resources out here to help these women with other options. We are the last line of defense for these babies and their mothers. Unfortunately, pregnancy centers have just turned into fundraising ministries where most of their money is going into their pockets for salaries or to keep the lights on in empty buildings. And it's a shame because they’re not going to save babies.”

Susan then emphasized, “This is where the Church needs to be, but in love and compassion.” I agreed with her, sharing, “We have some troublemakers that stand out here yelling and screaming at them, but they're not a part of our ministry. You saw today how the love of Jesus and the Holy Spirit convinces women not to kill their babies.” She replied, “This is the most exciting thing I have experienced, and I'm going to clear my calendar from now on so that I can be down here to help you, because this is where the Church needs to be.” HALLELUJAH! Anyone can say that they're pro-life, but doing pro-life is what saves lives.

Later that evening after we arrived home, we had heard the unfortunate news of a young mother of three young children that was killed in a train accident just a few miles from us in Madison, Illinois. That was what all the wailing and moaning was about, just feet from our ministry. This mother fought for her life and lost; her injuries were too severe, Three children now are motherless, and here we stand, pleading for the mothers not to kill their babies. So sad. There's a lot of death in Granite City, but I thank God for His grace and mercy that we are able to rescue those being led to their slaughter, save lives, and change hearts.

Isaiah 61:1-3 “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve.”

Be encouraged~ Angela