Saturday, June 25, 2011

“Although all Hell was breaking out around us, God was for us. Granite City’s metermaids: Who Is Paying Your Paycheck? Taxpayers Or the Abortion Mill? ”

Tuesday June 21, 2011

“Where’s a Doughnut When You Need One?" Two hours into our vigil it appeared as though maybe the slaughterhouse was not killing babies this evening. A beat up car pulled up to the sidewalk with an older man and young girl; she was crying. They looked at our van and the signs and then backed up and pulled onto the hospital lot. We thought maybe they were looking for the hospital to the contrary, and the baby killers began arriving. One butcherette who has come out of retirement since the demise of Ryan Goskie escorted this young girl inside. It was obvious she was struggling with this decision. Then an older woman with white hair walked around the corner and up to the entrance. There was no guard. She rang the door bell; we thought she was meeting someone. The old woman was trying to give the lay-clothed employee a small booklet. Next thing we heard was the employee screaming to, "Get out of here!" She walked towards our group. Cathy told her, "They kill babies in there." The old woman answered, "Yes, I know. I’m one of you."
       During all of this time, Officer twinkle toes a.k.a "Officer Burford" was writing yet another outrageously priced parking ticket to our ultrasound van for being a few inches in the yellow. We pointed out other blatant violators blocking fire hydrants, etc. He let them go and went as far as to radio the hospital and have the employee move their car without receiving a ticket. Earlier, Officer twinkle toes and our adversary meter maid whom we made famous, Lance Reynolds, sat across the street wasting more tax dollars observing us. A call was made by Collinsville resident and butcherette Nancy Earls, who has assumed Ryan Goskie's former job of summoning metermaids to harass our van.
       We listened to this old woman’s plight. Jesus told her to place this booklet inside the abortion mill and it will close down. "Really?" we asked. "Yes, in every place people have placed it abortion facilities close down." Haggard looking Katie, aka Klara Dixon, came out for her smoke break and she was fuming. She huffed over to the metermaid and told him the old lady got violent with them and screamed cuss words at the employees. We witnessed what happened; no one raised their voice but the butcherettes. LIARS!

        The officer ran over to us, threatened to arrest the old woman, and started to interrogate her. He demanded her identification. "Why?" we asked. "Why?" He responded, "I have to see if there are any warrants out for her." This was laughable. I turned my head so this gumshoe didn’t see my expression. You’ve got to be kidding. He then threatened to arrest us if we didn't move twenty feet from this old lady. "Officer, you have the wrong person." I then pointed to butcherette Klara and the abortion mill, "This is who you need to arrest; this is a crime scene. They are butchering innocent babies in there. We're trying to save them." He didn't give a rip. "Who is paying your salary? My taxes or the innocent blood of the abortion mill?" Eventually Officer Burford got her information, scared her, and threatened her, but this old woman kept politely giving the officer "JESUS." She was gently witnessing to him as he wrote her info down. We watched from a distance another squad car arrive. They let her go, and she rejoined us as we softly spoke to the mothers pulling onto the lot.
       Both metermaids went inside the slaughterhouse and shared her information with the employees. Both officers kept watch on the abortion mill lot for another hour or so. Meanwhile, the collaborators, hospital guards, and employees just sat back and enjoyed the drama. They bleed apathy. Thunder and lightning was booming over our heads. God was angry, but He is still in control even though all hell is breaking out against us. God is for us.      

  "Ana" opened the car door and peeked over at us with a smile that would melt your heart. I pointed to the Free Help sign on the ultrasound van, and informed them that we could save them money and do a free ultrasound. "You can do that for me?" "Yes ma'am." She walked right inside the womb service van as we quickly asked preliminaries and invited her friend inside. We scanned and the emotions came out, BAM! She looked over and began weeping loudly. "It's okay honey." There on the screen appeared an approx 18.5 week baby boy. Her friend exclaimed, "Don't do it! Don’t do it! Don't listen to Momma..." With both ladies crying now, they explained the situation. Her friend was her sister, and their mother was forcing both to abort their babies. Both girls were young adults but living at home; their mother was threatening that if they didn't get rid of the babies, they would be out on the streets. Ana had a one year old daughter also. Both girls were managing to work. "We can help you if you want to keep your baby." We went over housing, resources, a strategy, and physician follow-up. We then flipped the equipment and reset.
        Her sister was able to view an early pregnancy approx 4 weeks. Her sister held tightly to her sibling's hand and said, "We both are going to need housing." "We can help facilitate that." We prayed. Both girls know the Lord. Ana spoke up and said, "I knew this was wrong. I think God was trying to get my attention. I couldn’t come up with the remaining $45.00  I needed towards the abortion fee, and then we pulled into the parking lot and you all were out here. They warned us there would be protestors." I asked her, “How did you feel about us?" "I thanked the Lord for you all; you are God–sends. You are an angel. I thank you for all your help." And with that we gave them some snacks to take with them and came outside the van to share the good news with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Alleluia!

       Ana and her sister gave me a big hug, and the young man in the car got out and shouted for joy. "Thank You! Thank You! I didn’t want her to do it either!" he yelled. "Praise God for you all." We watched them drive off and then gathered on the sidewalk noticing that the meter maids had left the crime scene and a few more cars had arrived. We bowed our heads and gave thanks to Almighty God this day for eyes that were opened, hearts that were touched and convicted, and lives, precious little lives that were saved. "Thank You, Jesus, for always having our backside. In Jesus' Name we pray." And all the church said, “Amen!”
       This is the Lord’s war. He just asks us to show up for the battle; He will do the rest.

       Be encouraged ~Angela

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Former Abortion Mill Director of Nurses
Granite City, Illinois
June 6, 2011
Written by Angela Michael
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23
            Ryan Goskie was only 25 years old.  Daniel and I warned him and spoke to him this past Saturday morning as he walked inside Hope Clinic abortion mill. He worked here per diem after quitting his fulltime position this past fall killing babies inside this late-term abortion mill for the past 8 years. He gave us no reaction. Ryan started as a volunteer deathscort and worked his way up with the feministic guidance of former godless career baby-killers inside the Midwest’s largest late-term abortion mill. Through the years we were kind to Ryan, but we still told him the truth in love. He repaid us by harassing our ultrasound van and summoning local police posing as meter maids to issue us outrageously priced parking tickets that we are still dealing with in the courts. He and Trish Wallis (another former abortion mill volunteer) would come to the Granite City parades to sit and watch the townsfolk, “Beat us up,” (as Ryan put it) when we asked him if he was there to help us. He pushed our young son to the ground when an ambulance pulled into the abortion mill garage to transport a butchered mother.
            The obituary read that he died at a St. Louis area hospital where he sought medical treatment for gastrointestinal pain. I can’t help but think maybe it was his lifestyle that killed him. He appeared to be a misguided kid working at the local Weather Vane Ice Creme shoppe and volunteering at an abortion mill. He was flirting with the homosexual community as a deathscort. His obituary read that he left behind his partner Jason. After graduating from nursing school our worst fear was that he would train to replace the aging abortionist Yogendra Shah. Ryan helped kill babies inside Hope abortion mill and went as far as to boast on the internet that he personally trained residents at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on how to dismember babies in the womb. We don’t know how much truth is in that posting, but he enjoyed his time inside the abortion mill until we let the public know what he did in Granite City and asked for prayers. He soon quit this past November. Read “Director of Nurses Quits” Ecclesiastes 7:2 “…death is the destiny of every man; the living should take this to heart.”
            We noticed that the abortion mill was eerily quiet this past Tuesday, but attributed it to the heat wave we are currently experiencing. We now know it was because a fellow baby killer died, which hopefully will make those likeminded employees pause and rethink their position with the Lord and His laws. We never know when God will call us back. Whether we believe in God or not, every human being has an expiration date.
            We noticed that there was no mention in the obituary that Ryan was a long time employee at Hope Clinic. Our prayer is that in Ryan’s final hours he came to know Jesus again and entered into full repentance for all the innocent blood his hands helped to shed.  May God comfort his grieving family and have mercy on Ryan’s soul.  

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Rejoice in Hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer

Romans 12:12
 It was 102 with the heat index as the sun was beating down on us, all 2 of us. ;) Cars drove by looking at us in disbelief. One man pointed to a small square of shade and told us “that’s probably the best place for you to stand”. Another car drove by and gave us the middle finger, salute. One accomplice that we spoke to earlier denying that they were there for an abortion and stating that they do other things came back out and I met him by his car where I was able to confront him. Curiously I asked him “So what other things can they do inside a slaughterhouse?” He took his cell phone away from his ear and said “Ok you guys got me, I’m just a friend.” I told him “No you’re an accessory to murder”. He said “Ok I feel bad for bringing her but she had no one else to help her out”. We told him how he needed to repent because it was sin that he was apart of now and I said “You see how hot it is out here? It’s 10 times hotter in hell.” He said “Listen I feel bad enough, I got kids of my own”. I said “You need to make a confession right now. You need to talk personally to God and tell him what you’re apart of and then you have to help that young woman you brought”.
We also had a save 30 minutes earlier, an African American couple who confirmed that they didn’t do it. They listened to our pleas and our 19 years of daily ministry outside this abortion mill. That is what impressed them. They came outside and looked at all of our pictures from past years with saves and babies. They couldn’t do it! “If you all can stand out here in this heat, well, we don’t believe in killing babies either”. Thank You Jesus! “How do you all manage?” the pregnant woman asked. “God” I answered. “It’s God, he supplies all our needs and answers prayers just like he did with you all today”. “I mean money and stuff”. I answered, “It’s still God. My husband has a job at his family restaurant, but there was a period where my husband was fired for his pro-life beliefs and stance. But God provided during that dry period. And we kept standing on His Word and for the babies”.
Denesha a beautiful black-American girl came out of the abortion mill and into our warm arms. She was 13 weeks pregnant. “I’m not gonna do it, I’m not gonna do it”, she assured me. She began coming into the ultrasound van to see a picture of her baby when her ride back home arrived. She apologized and said that she couldn’t stay for the ultrasound, as her friend was in a hurry. But she took the brochure and said that she would call me and reschedule an ultrasound and thanked us. The red-haired young man who brought his mother and the girl he got pregnant came back out after the mother left. I asked him “isn’t there something I can do to save that baby or would you consider adoption?” He said “Give me one of your brochures, maybe I can hand her that. I tried talking to her but her mind’s not made up yet, she may come back out”. I said to him “Well I hope you encourage her and tell her that we can place that baby up for adoption if she doesn’t want to parent it”. I handed him the brochure and said “She can call me anytime”. I showed him the pictures of our 2 rescued and adopted babies and told him how God had a plan for his baby just like he did for ours. He thanked me and went back into the abortion mill.
The mother, daughter and grand-daughter came back out, they were still pregnant they confirmed. Praise God! I offered them resource numbers. The mother whispered something to the girl who looked up at me smiling. They weren’t exactly rejoicing about this pregnancy. I still thanked them for saving their baby as they drove off the lot. Daniel and I then prayed for this family not to come back and kill this baby at a later date. We kept drinking water and trying not to over-exert ourselves in this heat. At times we felt a little woosy, I knew it was time to try and find a spot of shade. I was just patting the back of my neck with a cold washcloth when I heard a man’s voice from behind. He appeared to be drug salesman or possibly a physician pulling a luggage bag. I heard him say the words we don’t expect to hear outside that are so refreshing “God bless you for being here”. I turned to see his smiling face and I couldn’t get the words out quick enough before he said “I hope you persevere and have success in this heat”. As he passed me, I mustered up enough saliva to say “Thank you, 3 babies have already been saved”. He said “That’s great. Stay healthy so you can keep saving more. I’m glad you’re here”. I wiped the sweat from my brow and thanked him as he walked by. I turned to Daniel who was on the phone with Auto Repair informing us of how much the cost would be to fix the car that over-heated the other day. “I know that look”, I told him. I said “Daniel don’t fret. God will provide.” My legs began to get weak again and I felt wobbly, from the stifling heat, I told Daniel “I think 3 hours is all I can do today due to the heat”. We bowed our heads in prayer; I thanked God for the 3 babies that were spared today. We prayed for God to touch hearts and save more, to wake up this city, to wake up the churches to the atrocity happening just feet from their church doors. Let them be afflicted with their cries. We cannot continue singing a little louder to cover up the cries of these innocent little people that are being murdered everyday within their city limits. ARISE O’City of Slaughter!

Be encouraged ~Angela

Saturday, June 4, 2011


    Tuesday May 24th    “You can do that for me?.. They done took my money and I didn’t even get to see it,” the flustered girl announced as we approached with our offers of free help. It was hot this afternoon as we arrived and quickly set up our pregnancy ultrasound outreach to the abortion bound mothers. We were there less than an hour when Lakeisha came outside with tears in her eyes. Daniel got to her first explaining our ministry. She looked at me with this long sad face. “How can we help you?” I asked. Lakeisha then explained how she called to make an appointment and there was no mention of paying money. "They just told me to come in and talk with them. After I changed my mind on the abortion, they wanted money for the ultrasound; they didn’t even let me see it.” “Would you like to see your baby?” “You can do that for me?” she asked. “Yes," and I pointed to the ultrasound van. She was approximately 11.4 weeks pregnant. “I don’t know how I’m going to do it but I knew it was wrong walking in there, then seeing you all out here. I am glad you all were here for me.”

   After helping Lakeisha and her companions to their car, we quickly re-launched and set back outside to rescue some more babies scheduled to die this day. It was getting warmer as the afternoon went on. Sarah and her sister came inside the van where we were able to let them witness their baby auditioning for it's life. We went over resources and set up her first prenatal exam with our staff obstetrician. They were elated with all the resources we provided.

        We got them to their vehicle and again went back inside the Womb Service van, quickly resetting and were out on the hot pavements surrounding this slaughterhouse. " Kendra" and her friend pulled right in front of us. “May we help you girls today for free?” and we pointed to the ultrasound van. “No, no we’re just going in there.” Kendra was hesitating. “Listen, it only takes a few minutes and we are free. They charge you inside the abortion mill. We just helped a lady who was upset that they charged her and didn’t even show her the picture.” “How much do they charge?” her friend asked. “Oh, I see they didn’t tell you either.” “No ma’am," she responded. “$138-$200.00 dollars just for the ultrasound,” I told them. They both came inside as we introduced ourselves. I went over preliminaries and scanned. BAM, there on the screen appeared an approx 15.2 week old baby. “Oh my,” she said. “Look, look it's flipping," her friend screamed as she gazed at the screen which became this little one’s stage. “No, he’s auditioning for his life,” I announced.
       We listened to heartbeats and watched his swimmer’s stroke. The look on her face was saying “I’m unsure." I asked her, “Please tell me you’re not going to keep that appointment with the abortionist.” "I don't know. I've been postponing this. It's really harder after seeing all that on the screen." I then told her, "As large as the baby is now it's going to take at least two days for them to kill that baby." She straightened up and said, "Why you saying that like that?" "Because, that is what they do inside this abortion mill. Look at this little one begging for his life right now; he knows." I shared our little Isaac's testimony and showed them his picture. "Ooh he's precious," they both said. "Yes, he is just like that little one you are carrying." We went over resources and gave both of the women encouragement with their jobs and continuing their education. They resolved to help one another and to keep this baby, and thanked us for being there. Kendra would keep intouch.
       All this time we were inside working on saving this baby, here "Elizabeth" is standing and waiting for an ultrasound. What a nice surprise! "Hello," she said. "Do you remember me?" "Yes," I answered. "You look vaguely famailar." She then said, "You saved my first baby; he is eight years old now." "Praise the Lord! I'm sorry we took so long, but I had to work a little harder on the case before you." "Oh, that's okay. I was hoping 'da baby lady was still here and could show me my baby." And we did. " appears to be a girl approximately 25 weeks." She was so excited. "I'm so happy," she said. She would follow-up with her physician, and we went over baby supplies and resources we could help her with. "Thank you so much for being here, you are doing great things".Where have I heard that I thought as I disinfected and reset the ultrasound van, oh that's right,one of my heroes .."God has not called me to do GREAT things but small things with great love"..-Mother Teresa