We continued standing and praying, and again we intercepted a Black American couple parked on the hospital lot walking towards the abortion mill. We softly offered to help them and pleaded mercy for their unborn baby. The woman was just set on aborting her baby, but they did listen to the case we made for her innocent child. It is so emotionally draining to be teetering on the edge between life and death. “Don’t give up!” I reminded the saints. “Keep praying; God is still in control!” Praise God, He is in control as we confirmed two more saves: one in the alley and the other on the west sidewalk as they came back out and thanked Daniel. We had a closing prayer as the weather was changing for the worse. The skies were blackening and thunder was heard in the background. Tornado warnings were out.
We no sooner reached the home front when a distress call came through. It was Larry. He stayed behind at the abortion mill, and a pregnant girl drove all the way from
Exactly one hour later, another call came through. It was the Muslim couple we tried talking to this past Tuesday. They came back to the clinic after walking out Tuesday evening still pregnant and wanted to see their baby. After they could not reach us by phone, they drove all the way to our hometown and called us to ask if we could do the ultrasound for them. OMG! Well, thank God we have a lot of older kids that were in town home for the Easter break that we could drop everything and meet up with this family who was waiting on a restaurant parking lot. Daniel drove the ultrasound van there in a private area and I drove to them in my car; I was so surprised.
Once inside our van, the beautiful testimony unfolded. The father smiled and told me, “I told you on Tuesday after we talked I was going to bring my wife out.” “And you did,” I ended. He had to interpret for me as she barely spoke any English. They were from
We scanned, and there to the Muslim couple’s surprise was an approx 11.5 week old baby floating in an ocean of amniotic water appearing to wave now and then. “Is the baby okay?” the father asked. “He appears to be, but we need to follow-up with a doctor.” We listened to the heartbeats: 132 per minute. The woman gasped and tears welled in her eyes. “It’s okay,” I assured them. “Good and strong.” She smiled. The father looked at me. I offered, “Your baby looks good, praise God.” I asked him, “You believe in God don’t you?” He nodded. I then noticed how intently he was staring at my crucifix hanging on my neck. I asked about a physician and they didn’t have one. We referred them to our staff obstetricians who work with our ministry. They gladly accepted our help. They wanted us to set up their appointment, which by the grace of God there was someone still in the office so that we could do this on the spot. Relief…we could see it on their faces.
It’s Good Friday and we are missing services, but only by the grace of God we are here on a parking lot saving a baby and changing hearts. The husband offered me anything I wanted in his liquor store. I blushed, “No, no, I thank you for your offer, but we don’t drink alcohol.” He then asked, “You do all this to help women?” “Yes,” I answered. “When we tell women not to kill their babies we better have answers and help.”
He then proceeded to tell us about abortions…they are secret, if any do occur in his country. Abortion is not acceptable. Only if a girl has relations and is not married she must have an abortion secretly so as not to bring shame on her family. They are rare and forbidden. He then added, “The other night when I met you, my friend and his wife were inside the abortion clinic. They, too, came back out and did not have the abortion. I wanted to tell you.” “Praise God,” I said. I hugged the female and shook the husband’s hand They promised to keep in touch and would be forever grateful for our help and kindness. We gave them directions back to the interstate. “Long drive,” Rami commented, “but much worth it. Thank you Angela.” They drove off.
“Lord, forgive me. It’s Good Friday and seeds of doubt filled my mind earlier this day but, we are reminded of the price Your Son paid on a Cross for us. I thank You, Lord, for keeping Your promises and blessing us this day with a sign of real hope. We are doing the righteous thing and our cup is filled again with joy, fortitude, and perseverance.In knowing, we asked and we received and we serve a Mighty Lord. "
“Are not all angels spirits in the divine service, sent to serve for the sake of those who inherit salvation?” Hebrews1:14. When the news is dark, God sends a messenger, like sunshine poking a hole through a cloud of HOPE.
Be encouraged ~Angela