Abby’s entourage appeared around the corner and parked. We were the first to meet her. Abby got out and looked over at little Hannah and walked right up to her. “Hi Abby! It’s Daniel and Angela from Illinois . This is Hannah Noelle. She was saved from abortion at 34 weeks and we adopted her. She is the love of our lives.” Abby scooped her up and gave her a big kiss on the cheek. “She is precious,” Abby said. Others gathered around us and listened to a brief story of our ministry and all the babies we have adopted or helped to adopt to others after rescuing and saving them from abortion.
Abby spoke with Hannah, asking her about all kinds of interesting things she liked. She then gave Hannah back and embraced Angela as Angela whispered, “Thank you for your courage and inspiring testimony.” Some of the prayer warriors standing behind us came closer as they overheard us talking about our 18 ½ year ministry of saving babies and adopting them outside our abortion mill in Granite City, Illinois. They wanted to know more.
“Everyone thinks I saved Hannah’s life, but every day I look into her eyes she saves mine and makes me want to save more.” Abby smiled and signed our copy of her book, Unplanned: “God bless you and your incredible ministry for life. Many lives have been saved because of your tireless work. Yours 4 LIFE!- Abby.”
Our 40 days devotion is appropriate for today: When we speak at engagements we try and convey that we are our brother’s keeper and that God will judge us to have recognized and loved all our brothers and sisters, even the little ones. The 40 Days campaigns are answering that question every campaign, so, too, our ministry for the past 18 years by going to where our brothers and sisters are being killed. We do have a responsibility to them. Every time we show up outside abortion mills, we are answering that question and call. I thank God that He has directed our feet and made provisions to be there. Whenever doubt sets in, all I have to do is look into the faces of our youngest children, Hannah and Isaac, and I realize, “Where would they be had no one been there that day?”
“Father, we thank You that we hear Your voice and are responding to the question, ‘Where is your brother?’ We recommit ourselves today to care for them. Thank You for entrusting us to care for one another and for Your grace and mercy as we work tirelessly to renew our culture to a culture of LIFE. In Jesus’ name we pray.” ~Angela