SUNDAY, APRIL 10- Today was Ms. Candice's day. We were celebrating her and motherhood by showering her with gifts and welcoming her soon-to-be baby girl into the world in a matter of weeks. Mary and the youth group did a wonderful job shopping and setting up along with some help from a student needing community service hours. Everyone began arriving with presents and cards. We were waiting for the guest. When she walked through the doors with her family, she was surprised. “Oh my!”
I remember when we first met the "ice lady" outside the abortion mill last fall. She didn’t need the escorts and she told them so. She could walk on her own power inside the abortion mill. But for some reason, she listened to us, and Mary was there that day too. We were able to bring her inside the ultrasound van and show her a beautiful picture of her approx 12 week old baby. She was tough. Nobody was going to break her. It took us awhile to bring her around and convince her not to abort her baby. We lost contact with her until recently when she sought us out at the abortion mill and was ready to go back inside. She was not convinced this was going to work out. She kept the baby, but told us she lost just about everything, including her job due to pregnancy. She was behind in her rent and her utilities; they were about to be turned off.

I overheard Mary explaining to a lady, “Angela has taught me that we are to be Jesus to these abortion-minded mothers we meet outside the abortion mill, not scream Jesus at them. When they see the love of Jesus in us it wins hearts and saves babies.this gives them real hope.” Mary, the host of today’s event then thanked some of the helpers. She also shared how we met Candice, how her baby was saved through our ultrasound ministry, and how dedicated we are to life.
Candice then spoke, “A few weeks ago I was so far behind in everything I didn’t know what I was going to do or who would help. I was even thinking of going back to the clinic; I was desperate. But I found Angela and Mary and, well, now look at me. I’m a cream puff today. My bills are paid, and look at all of these beautiful baby gifts. I'm blessed. I'm so glad I have them in my lives.” I then sat down by her and asked to give her a hug. She laughed and said, “I’m a cream puff today; you can hug me all you want.” Laughter." I now have hope".
We then stood up and I whispered, “Thank you for trusting me and giving me a chance.” I then gave recognition to all those who got involved and helped to make this possible and thanked all those in attendance for being a part of this save and for their support and prayers. We presented the two little girls with a bagful of gifts; they were happy. Candice kept saying, “I’ve never been treated so kind and felt so loved.” I whispered, “That’s God, Candice. When you felt that no one cared and you were on your last nerve, that was God’s way of saying that one door may have closed, but He will never fail us. He wrote the Book and there is another chapter.” Today was that chapter, a new beginning for Candice and her family. This is how you stop abortion, by rescuing, saving, and changing hearts, one at a time, where babies are dying and lives destoyed.
Be encouraged ~Angela
Be encouraged ~Angela