Sunday, August 22, 2010

"Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interest of others" Philippians 2:4

Saturday, August 21, 2010--  Now this is what I'm talking about, being in service to others. This precious little baby girl was saved last fall inside our ultrasound van. These are the "fruits of our labors" that we toil and sacrifice for. Praying, educating, exposing, standing, showing the truth, and sharing God's love by being a blessing to others who find themselves in a place they should not be. We are the Lord's army embedded on the frontlines as the LAST HOPE in the battle for LIFE!
      Imported foot soldiers drove over three hours in the wee hours of this morning to join forces with our ministry and peacefully stand, pray, and intercede for the least of these. Throughout the hot and humid morning vigil, we confirmed four precious babies' lives spared through our prayers and efforts. We rejoiced by sharing bread, wine, and fellowship with our kindred spirits.We closed in prayer.
      We rest in the comfort of knowing that the Lord guides our footsteps and destiny. Every time we look into a saved baby's face, we see real HOPE. Proverbs 23:18 "There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off."