Feburary 3rd We no sooner saw the smoke clear with the arrest of abortionist Kermit Gosnell in the three story slaughterhouse in Philadelphia, and are still in dismay at the lack of outrage from the feminist majority who refer to abortion as healthcare and abortion providers as heroes, even if they kill women while doing abortions. Today Live Action and Lila Rose released another undercover video of corruption being footed by our tax dollars: "Planned Parenthood Caught Aiding, Abetting Sex Trafficking of Minors" New undercover footage shows a Planned Parenthood clinic manager conspiring with a "pimp" to secretly secure STDs testing and abortion services for his prostitutes as young as 14 years old, despite their age or enslavement. The manager even informs the man posing as a pimp how to get around judicial bypass laws protecting minors.

What is so troublesome is the silence coming from those professing to be the voice of women ensuring their rights and freedoms. The degradation and oppression of women was what gave early feminists their marching orders. Yet this footage reinforces the horror of the logic of Planned Parenthood’s founding; it has come to roost in its modern form. Enough is enough! Our taxes should not be funding the corrupt agenda of Planned Parenthood or any abortion clinic that could really care less about the safety and welfare of young girls and their bogus claims of protecting women.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9Zj9yx2j0Yhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iMScbJJS2g check out local articles of abuse of children inside Hope Clinic on our website SmallVictoriesusa.com /Granite City's Underage Abortion Abyss