Thursday, July 15, 2010

Safest place for a baby in the womb is Granite City, today!

Wednesday July 14th

 SHUT-DOWN! The killing machine was inoperable due to lack of hired serial baby killers NO abortionist
 on duty.Thank you God You are dealing with the baby slayers The quaking inside, the killing numbers continue to be at an all time low, lack of team spirit among employees,lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits,.Hope Clinic is about to pay another big one off.This 2 million- dollar state -of -the art bloody dynasty is crumbling under the weight of
  the truth and Almighty God.The past month this slaughterhouse has been experiencing problems with the air-conditioning.One unit is completely broken down and the other is leaking on the flat top roof.Usually this mill has to keep this inside as cold as a "meat locker" to perserve "dead and murdered things".Now , the temperatures are rising inside just as they are outside It may be uncomfortable sweating and killing babies inside, but not as hot and uncomfortable as it will be in hell.This is just a little taste of what is to come Can you hear God now?