To whom this may concern:
My name is Tiffany. I am 5 months pregnant and have 4 precious children who have all been helped by Angela prior including this pregnancy. She has given me money for food out of her own pocket if needed on several occasions. She has provided me with clothes, diapers, food, etc. If it was not for Angela helping me, I would have given up by now. I have went to Mosaic pregnancy center several times and other Granite City agencies such as Catholic Charites and have not received anything due to lack of funds they told me. Over the last 5 years Angela has paid my electric bill when Catholic Charities turned me away. I know of several girls who have received help through Angela when they were turned away from other agencies. I am willing to testify to what I have written.
Editor's note: It's mind boggling how many agencies reportedly receive over half a million of dollars in donations (according to the Guidestar 990 tax form listed under Metro-East Crisis Pregancy Care centers) to help pregnant women and their babies and received $600,000 in goverment grants last year alone, but tell desperate and downtrodden girls that they don't have funding in order to help them.You understand why our sidewalk ministry of over 18 years has turned into the safety net outside this abortion mill catching hopeless pregnant girls who feel they have no other options than abortion. Why would a pregnancy center only offer ultrasounds to first trimester pregnant women who must meet their criteria and only offer them on Tuesdays, when abortion minded girls are pregnant in their second and third trimesters also? Unplanned pregnancies happen everday of the week.