Saturday May 21, 2011

Once inside I quickly scanned as she was explaining her situation and how she walked out of the abortion mill looking for me. Her male companion was fuming and threatening to end their relationship if she didn’t go through with it. I was half heartedly listening as my eyes were catching something extraodinary on the ultrasound screen. I blinked to make sure and scanned a different area," oh my" I thought, big swallow. I continued to scan, I took my eyes off the screen and looked into her's, "Sara, I have something to show you”. She looked and said "I’m pregnant right?. I rescheduled my appointment for the 31st." I then pointed to the screen, “here is baby A and here is baby B, and right behind baby B is Baby C", long pause..breath. "Triplets," she asked. "Yes, Sara, I’m pretty sure there is three". The next five minutes were tears and joy and unsureness and second guessing. "Here is their heartbeats", and I pointed. They were approximately 6 weeks, I grabbed her hand and promised we would get through this with the Lord's help and our ministry, "I promise”. Oh my, I then asked her, "please tell me you are not going to keep that appointment?" "No, not after seeing them, but I am overwhelmed". That would be normal with just one baby..after composing and hugging we came outside and Sara wanted to share with the large church group the good news. I summoned Pastor Todd and the other pastors. I whispered the situation and Pastor Todd gathered the troops, they surrounded Sara in front of our van. The abortion mill volunteers and staffers looked on. Sara spoke softly, “I..I ...I’m pregnant with triplets”. She then looked at me and with a shaking voice she said “I want to thank this lady so much”, and with that she buried her head in my shoulder as the crowd cheered and applauded. I hugged her and others touched her, Pastor Todd asked her and her friend a few questions and then explained the situation. She then told everyone “I’m not going to keep my appointment with the abortionist”. They clapped louder. We then prayed over this couple and Pastor Mike began taking up a love donation for them and their babies as they would be needing lot of supplies and help. We exchanged contact information and physician follow-up preferably with a high-risk obstetrician. This couple was expressing how thankful they were for our ministry and the outpouring of love from Church Without Walls. All the pastors pledged to stay in contact and help them with their needs. We want to get right with God and get back in church”, Sara commented as we walked them to their car. “That is great!”

We joined the troops posted on the main sidewalk giving the City of Slaughter “heaven”, there were many honks of support as they silently stood holding their prolife signs, reminding this complacent town of the atrocity in their own backyard. Through the morning we confirmed another baby saved, and the buses eventually loaded up with the churches. We were tired and it was getting hot, we loaded up the van for our trek back home, as we were done for the day, or so we thought. We just began climbing in the van to pull away from the curb, when a mother and daughter we remembered from earlier in the morning came around the corner looking for us., Daniel reached them first, “we need the baby lady”, the mother said. I got out and went to them “Hi, can I help you?” “Yes we need help, but we see you’re packed up and leaving, we don’t want to bother you”. “You came back out?” I asked. “Yes”, the girl said. “What changed your mind?” I asked her. As we began walking inside the van, she stopped and pointed to the graphic signs resting against the ultrasound van. “It was those pictures, they’re horrible, I kept thinking of them as I filled out the paper work and I couldn’t get them out of my head. I told my mom, I can’t do that to my baby”, and we walked back out looking for you”. "Praise God", I said. Tanna’s mother kept thanking us for staying and helping them. “No bother”, I told them. “It’s our life, it’s what we do everyday”. As I scanned they asked about our ministry and when we told them how many children we have, they gasped. “REALLY?” I then asked “Are you ready to meet your baby?” “Yes”. They turned to the screen and there she was, a beauty, holding her left hand up by her face waving. I improvised “Here I am mommy”. They gushed “oh look its moving” I said. “She is auditioning”. They laughed. We listened to the heartbeats, “Oh they are precious”, the mother commented. Tanna asked, “Do you know what it is?” “It appears to be a girl”.

“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give”. Winston Churchill
Be encouraged ~Angela