Saturday, February 26th- Ole Man Winter was not loosening his grip quite yet with us as it was gloomy and cold on the sidewalks surrounding this abortion mill as we set up our pregnancy outreach to the abortion-bound mothers. Yet, our morning was a little brighter with the Bound for Life prayer warriors who made the 3½ hour pilgrimage from Indiana to stand and silently pray with us for the least of these. Our numbers kept swelling with the additions of area church groups who joined us to save some babies this day. It was peaceful except for the screaming in the alley. We do a lot of explaining and damage control on Saturdays due to the troublemakers. The BFL group were appalled at this spectacle, but it caused them to pray harder for this situation. A hospital visitor stopped at the sight of these red-mouth-taped prayer warriors. She patted arms of the youth group, thanked them for being here, and smiled at Angela as she walked by her. St. Mary’s youth group soon joined us and was encouraged at the sight of the prayer warrior. The girls were frightened at the screams coming from the alley. We explained.
It was cold as we did our reconnaissance mission around the slaughterhouse. We intercepted a couple whose eyes were red from crying and spoke at length to them offering them another way out of the situation. They hugged us and took our brochure saying they would think about it as they walked up to the doors.Two different times abortion-bound mothers walked back out, and we intercepted them. They confirmed that they changed their minds and were keeping their babies. Back on the front sidewalk the Kendrick seminarians arrived and we greeted and briefed their leader. They, too, joined us peacefully and prayerfully as they knelt on the cold sidewalk and in the mud by our ultrasound van to try and intercede for the babies and their mothers.
A family from St. Peter & Paul representing the youth group walked up to us and blessed us with a financial donation to help our life saving efforts in rescuing babies. Praise God! We expressed our appreciation to them.
We then noticed the two girls parked on the hospital lot surrounded with the deathscorts and the religious bullies trying to shove Gideon bibles on them. We quietly approached their car, and they had their fingers in their ears. The passenger took our brochure and we pointed to the ultrasound van; they eventually pulled away.
We then walked to a car parked on the medical lot with two girls. The deathscorts walked back to the slaughterhouse. "Leticia" and her friend came to the abortion mill. She said she was scared of all the craziness and the screaming in the alley. That was when we noticed the King James bullies stalking us. I offered to help her and show her a free ultrasound as the slaughterhouse charges $200.00 for them. Sensing her timidity, I promised I wouldn’t let anyone come in between us if that meant locking arms. I would protect her to get her inside the van. She agreed to come inside. A lady from St Mary's offered to help me get her to the van.

The BFL group then surrounded us and asked us to give a report of today’s witnessing and a charge to the foot soldiers. Many in the large group conveyed their disgust with the screaming in the alley and were shocked at how late-term some of the abortion-bound mothers were, but all in the group were so grateful for our dedicated 18 year old ministry outside these gates. We then had a communion and wine service, and the churches laid hands on our ministry as they prayed for us.
In closing we gave a charge to the prayer warriors and youth groups: “It’s cold, supplies and people are few, sometimes it’s depressing to witness what we see everyday outside these gates, but spring is coming. Yes, I said spring is coming. The tide is turning slowly but surely. God is not sleeping;He is not going to take much more, but until then we will continue standing, rescuing, and taking dominion until the Lord returns.. Spring is coming!” Applause. 