We then gave a history of the abortion mill and our 18 ½ years of daily ministry. We spoke on the atrocities of abortion inside and outside of this mill and on the breaking news stories due to our daily witnessing and expose articles. Many raised their hands with questions: “What got you started?” “How do you do it?” We spoke on the rescuing and saving lives aspect, the death toll numbers at an all time low, and the saves and adoptions of babies since we began 18 ½ years ago. We told of how abortion-minded women are not walking into pregnancy centers, “They are walking into abortion clinics. That is what makes our pregnancy support and adoption ministry so different. We are a ‘Window to the Womb’ where babies are scheduled to die that day; the last lines of defense for the mother and her innocent baby. We do whatever it takes to save a baby and support a mother.”
We shared how humorous it was and a little scary when we made sure a pregnant mother from East St. Louis had a ride to her doctor appointments in our Special Forces van. (Laughter from the audience.) “Whatever it takes to save that baby you do, just like the firefighter or the police in a burning house fire. You rescue that child. Anyone can say they are pro-life, but doing pro-life saves babies. You have to win them by love; not by screaming Jesus at clients seeking abortions, but being Jesus to them in their time of need. Miss Norma McCorvey, the infamous Roe of the Roe v Wade decision which made abortion legal, was converted from running an abortion mill into running into the arms of Jesus by love, not screaming. She is pro-life and a Christian.” (Applause.)
We took more questions and Daniel spoke briefly to the young men in the audience. Our pregnant volunteer arrived and we took her behind the secluded area and performed a LIVE ultrasound for the audience to see. They were so surprised to visualize a baby in utero, waving and auditioning for the audience. This little girl was “ham-ing” it up to their delight. “Ooohs,” and, “Ahhs,” could be heard. We thanked our volunteer and ended our program with a poignant and brief personal testimony. It brought tears to many eyes, but we felt God was telling us to share a little bit to encourage the youth and their leaders. “We can defy the odds and be overcomers no matter the circumstances.” (Applause.)

Our little one was dancing the night away with the sweet girls who cared for her during our speech to the loud Christian rock band next to our room. “Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes, yes Lord…” It was a great night for Life. We thanked our host for the wonderful opportunity to share our lifelong ministry.