Written by: Angela
May 31, 2014

Well, disheartedly,
they do. As we have documented and reported through our years of photos, here
is yet another misguided Amish/Mennonite couple being brought by an older outsider
woman from Lee County, Iowa to kill their unborn baby, and dump its remains at
Granite City’s late term
abortion mill, Hope Clinic for Women Ltd. Most
abortion clinics only kill up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. You can only imagine
the shame an unmarried pregnant Amish woman would bring to the bishop’s
attention in her community. If found out, the couple would be shunned and her/
his family also. We have said this before, just because people dress a
religious life, does not make them living a righteous life. Churches nowadays,
are nothing more than social clubs or financial institutes. They do not teach
or practice the biblical teachings of Jesus Christ.

Disproportionately, we witness more church people killing their babies at Hope Clinic and dumping them in
Granite City, Illinois.
Pastors and priests alike are more afraid of the lack of nickels and noses in
the pews each Sunday, rather than preach on sin, consequences, and God’s judgment
as not to offend the tithers. Our sheppard's are more fearful of man than God.
They turn a blind eye to sin and what is happening around us, and throughout
the church. The older outsider that
brought the Iowa Amish couple, just sat with her feet hanging our her minivan
behind the abortion mill for over 3.5 hours as the couple remained inside the slaughterhouse…Oh
how God’s heart must be breaking with every child murdered and left behind. When
you view such television programs as listed you realize we are all sinners.
Some just enjoy it more and cover it up better. But in time it all comes out.
What is hidden in the darkness will come to light. Now, if only the Church
would stop killing their babies, maybe the pagans will follow suite.
Read: "
When The Church Stops Killing Their Babies, Maybe the Pagans Will Too!” at smallvictoriesusa.com ( driver )