Hallelujah! The best part was there was no 40 Days underway or
Kathy Sparks Mosaic Cash Cow Van outside this abortion mill, as if.. But, there were the Lord’s
angels and men of God among us this
The Lord’s army showed
up for battle this day as we have for decades on the frontlines of the abortion
battle. An accomplice walked back out
towards the back of the building as we called over offering to save the
baby and not be an accomplice to murder. He bolted towards Angela on the front
walk and the two men of God joined her at her side. They were towering. He expressed
his anger at our sight and words. “Is
this your job?” He asked “Absolutely”,
we replied, “The pay isn’t very much,
but the rewards are worth it”, as we held the picture of our adopted babies
up to him. This was such a God thing, I
mean Andy took over speaking with the man as God gently took me by the shoulder
and walked me to the alley where I was able to talk to the girls as they were
Peace, for
the first time in awhile, the Holy Spirit was on Andy and his friend who stood
talking to the male accomplice. The first
save was a mother and daughter from Missouri, as they stood in line the girl
was visibly upset; they didn’t think there would be people outside this
slaughterhouse trying to intervene for their innocent child’s life. They came back out only minutes later shaken
and crying as we met them behind the abortion mill. They took our brochure and
thanked us as they confirmed they were not going though with the scheduled

While we were doing the ultrasounds, we no sooner disinfected the ultrasound van, when Stan called to Angela that we had another save. BAM! Joseph and Lateisha came inside the ultrasound van. She was beautiful and Joseph reminded me of Samson in the recent Bible series on television. We had spoken with them earlier when they first arrived. You could tell Joseph was pleading with the girl not to do it before they went inside the slaughterhouse. “Please help us, we are afraid, we didn’t know what to do”, Joseph said. “It’s okay, Let's see what’s going on.” We then scanned. I felt Joseph’s anticipation, there, an approx 4.5 week old baby, very early. “If you come back we can repeat the scan and you can visualize more.” We went over resources and physican followup. They inquired of our staff obstetricians .We gave them their information and they seemed a bit more relaxed. Actually holding hands and smiling. I handed Latesiah a small Bible for encouragement, as I felt she wasn’t really sold on keeping this baby and we prayed before they exited. As we came out, the group was smiling and we shared. I pointed to Joseph’s tag the abortion mill makes the accomplices wear identifying them as “driver”. I said, “You need to change that to read “HERO”.” They laughed and thanked us again and would be in touch.
Andy shared
with us his conversation with the male accomplice and thanked me for the use of
our son Isaac's picture. He pointed out the prenatal development sign we hold
outside the slaughterhouse and he asked the man, “When is it a baby?” He held
our sons picture next to the 9 month gestation baby and said, “What is the difference between this
picture and this baby?” Andy said, "Just one minute." WOW! The wisdom of Solomon. We were
in the presence of God's chosen. The Lord was with us and we worked in unity and
in love and gave them the truth. This is
how you stop abortion and save babies. March Madness began in gladness. Thank
you Lord!
"And I will pray the Father, and He will give you
another Helper, that He may abide with you forever"
Be encouraged,