June 15, 2012
Written by Angela
Today was no different as we arrived
and quickly set up. We witnessed huge babies scheduled to die. Let’s see: Rhode Island , North Carolina ,
and approx fifteen Missouri
cars were present of the approx twenty-five inside killing their late-term
babies. We tried to softly speak to the mothers as they stood in line to sign
out the death warrants. One young, very pregnant woman came back out and sat on
the smoking bench listening to our pleas of mercy. I felt indignation rising up my back as I
viewed her very pregnant frame.
At about the same time, another Black
American woman was carrying a very popular publication, a Christian book by Pastor
Rick Warren in her hand as she entered the slaughterhouse. Thanks, Rick Warren.
You have done so much to save babies; you and all of the other 99% of
prosperity pastors and their once-a-year pro-life sermons, if that. It is about
as bad as these carnal Christians carrying in their Bible as they
kill their unborn babies.
Our focus turned back to the very
pregnant girl. She stood up, smoked, and talked over to us; she was 28 weeks.
This mother screamed that she already had three children and couldn’t have
another one. I corrected her and said, “No, you have four children. That one you
are carrying is as precious as the three at home.” She appeared to tear
up as she inhaled her cigarette. “Smoking is bad for pregnant women.”
I spoke my heart to her. Even Bob
came over and said, “You tried; that’s what counts. It’s not over yet. God is still on the
throne.” I offered to adopt her
baby while briefly sharing our youngest son’s testimony and saying that we could
temporarily take custody, and when she is ready to parent she could get her baby
back. “There is no excuse to kill that late-term baby,” I told her. I
asked, “Why did you wait until you are over halfway through your pregnancy to butcher
your baby? How does a mother carry a
baby for this long? Did you just wake up and decide, ‘Today’s the day. I don’t
want it anymore?’” She didn’t answer, but just continued smoking and
taking our pleas all in. She was cold, hardening her heart.

Just last week our local media
splashed yet another dreadful story of a young life being cut down in the
streets of St. Louis .
A young 14 year old girl was shot in the head as she walked with her friends. No
one saw the shooter. Some of the witnesses interviewed offered that she was a
sweet girl without any enemies. One witness did say that the 14-year-old had an
argument over a boy earlier in the day. Police still haven’t connected anyone
with the shooting. But my oh my, the outcry from the public
and her family was incredible. This unfortunate situation gets media attention,
yet the defenseless late-term baby gets none. Where is the outcry when a 24 or
a 28 week old baby can be slaughtered inside Hope Clinic any day of the week? When we witness so much bloodshed in the womb
from such calloused, hardened mothers why are we surprised when the same
violence is happening in the streets to our children? Can you connect the
When the Rick Warrens of our world
will not confront this abomination, but rather continue to sell their books and
preach their prosperity sermons, what should we expect to witness going into
the slaughterhouses across our nation?
Where is the outcry? We are
living and dealing with a nation full of savages. Every man is for himself. Forget the widows
and the aliens. We are a depraved society full of blood-thirsty murderers.
We continue to build a culture of
death by turning a blind eye to this atrocity and hoping it just goes away. We
refuse to confront the enemy at the gates who has come to steal, to kill, and to
destroy. When we sow bloodshed in the womb, we will reap it in the streets. Who is the most responsible for the detestable
act of abortion and infanticide? We need only look in the mirror.