In today's intention: May we absorb the truth that GOD IS PAYING ATTENTION to us, and to each human life, individually and personally. Candy and her sister Tiffany pulled onto the adjacent parking lot to the abortion mill; deathscorts and Mary and the youth group followed. I urged Donna to join them. Then God said,
Once inside, she kept up the front of being a self-made woman, making it on her own, raising two daughters already, and no man in sight; the government is not the "daddy" as most are, plus she is holding down a job. "Let's see how far along you are." "I already know," she said as she lay prone, twelve weeks. We scanned. There, an approx 12.3 week old baby appeared with his hand up by his mouth. "We may have a thumbsucker." "Thumb-sucking is not allowed," she answered.
Donna talked about Jesus and His plan. Candy told her, "I believe in God, but science also." "I don't see any gills on this one," I replied. "Look! He is dancing." They focused on the screen. It seemed like we talked forever. At one point, Candy told us she was abused and victimized for most of her life. "I'm tired of struggling." "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. It empowers you to be a strong woman. Nothing in life worth having comes easy," we told her. "You don't have to be a victim; you can be a victor, an overcomer."
She heard the heartbeats, 142 per minute; our guestimation was "a boy" but will be confirmed with her physician. We went over resources and mentors we could help with. "Just ask," we told her. She then began opening up a little and shared how she has no support, and never did, from her family and didn't depend on anyone. She doesn't trust anyone, especially after the abuse she and her daughters have been through with a former husband, which would explain why she doesn't like hugs. "It's okay Candy. I've been there; I know how it feels to survive that kind of abuse. That is why you don't like touching. I understand." We were exacerbated, running out of words. I asked her, "After seeing your little boy, are you still going to go in there and go through with his execution?" Her face was poker straight, and she asked, "Why do you say it that way?" "Because it's the truth of what the abortion mill is going to do to your child. He doesn't get a trial or jury; he won't get any pain medication, but you will." The van was quiet. When our words failed, "Let's pray," and we did.
I then looked up and said, "I've done all I can do inside here. What are we going to do?" She began sitting up, and for the first time I noticed tears in her eyes.Tears! They fell to her cheeks. She softly announced, "Well, I won't be going in there." I sat next to her as she wiped the tears, and I patted her leg, "It's okay." We took a few breaths. "I know you are not a huggy person, so I won't hug you, but could I please buy you breakfast?" We then exited the van. As I extended my hand out to her,and helped her down the steps, she grabbed it and asked my name again. "Angela," I answered. She replied, "Thank you Miss Angela. Yes, I will accept breakfast."
As we walked through the prayer warriors, I handed her some money to buy breakfast and explained where McDonald's was located. We made sure she and her sister got to their car unscathed; the deathscorts had gone by now and the troublemakers silenced their mouths from screaming. God was in control. I thanked her sister Tiffany for all of her help and support. "Call me, Candy. Be careful on your way back home." She smiled and got in the car. I returned to the sidewalk and felt a mountain lifted from our shoulders as they pulled off the lot. That was a hard one. We prayed again thanking God for allowing our hands to reveal the handiwork of God that lay nestled in this abortion-bound mother's womb. We also prayed for what appeared to be a hardened mother's heart, to be softened after listening to God's plan for her life and how much He loved her. Oh, how God cares for life and calls His people to to give of their time to appreciate, to care, to protect, and to love. Guide our hearts, Lord. In Jesus' Name we pray. ~Angela